Thorns of Sin

How do you ever do it God, your Love must be so great.
You put up with a world of people, faithless, full of hate.
You know each evil thought they own, each pain that they inflict.
Their eyes are blind, they close their minds, their hearts are hard as brick.
You are perfect, You are Holy, how do you tolerate
The likes of men who live for sin and hell will be their fate.
I know firsthand of wickedness, though only in small part.
I’ve felt the pain from others with evil in their heart.
Even when I’m not the target of arrows armed with spite,
It fills my soul with misery to be witness to a fight.
And I am but a sinner too and sin should be my very due,
But it wracks my brain and gives me pain and tears my heart in two.
Yes, now it does make perfect sense, God’s Son should suffer such
At the hands of evil men our sins did more than touch
Our Savior with a glancing blow they pierced Him through and laid Him low,
The likes of which we’ll never see, the pain that we shall never know,
For He endured the whole world’s sin, including mine I’ve done to Him,
For I’ve denied Him, ignored Him too, but He stood by me like no other friend.
Though perfect, He did pay our price, in greatest pain He gave His life.
If sin hurts us, who live in it, then how much more the perfect Christ?
I feel ashamed to say the least, when others’ sins cause me grief,
And I would want to pay them back, in vengeance I would find relief.
But God has shown a different way, to deal with sin day to day,
Forgive and turn the other cheek and for the sinner we must pray.
For His grace exceeds our greatest sin, shouldn’t we want His great pain to end?
And turn from all that hurts Him so; we’d do this for a lesser friend.
So when people hurt your heart and soul, remember love should be our goal.
And no one suffers like Father and Son who suffered to bring us into the fold.
Thank you, Father in heaven above, for the suffering of your great Love.
And may we remember that those lost in sin, are exactly the same as once we were.


But land that produces thorns and thistles is worthless
and is in danger of being cursed.
In the end it will be burned.
Hebrews 6:8

When Jesus came out
wearing the crown of thorns and the purple robe,
Pilate said to them, “Here is the man!”
John 19:5

A note about “Thorns of Sin”: While taking a couple of kids to see one of their parents in prison, they were just about to drive me nuts. Arguing and fussing, being hateful and spiteful toward each other. I was trapped in the middle of it. Even though none of this evil was directed at me, I was still in the middle of the “thorn bush.” On the way home I began thinking how God (our Father) must suffer for our sins similar to how His Son Jesus did. As humans we can easily relate to what Jesus went through, but sometimes dismiss the notion that an almighty Creator could feel pain. What is worse, in our relationship with God is that most (if not all, Matthew 25:40) of our sins are directed to God whether we realize it or not. Can our sins actually give God pain or is this just my opinion? Genesis 6:6 Read it and weep!

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