
I am a man of constant prayer, what goes up will come around,
All that I am, or hope to be, is in Jesus only found.
Though life line tender, the slightest thought,
This sublime privilege by Christ’s blood bought.
It can move mountains and part the sea,
It saved this soul ‘neath Calvary’s tree.
Constant prayer, unbroken chain,
Through times of pleasure and times of pain.
My Jesus hears me, He tells me true,
There is no measure, what He can do.
I send my praise and thanks above, it rises us, unto His throne,
I know He hears me, my God Loves all. Of those His children He calls His own.
Though lowly mortal, not strong but weak,
Through prayer’s portal, to Him I speak.
His Spirit’s power, knows no bounds,
By faith He moves, without a sound.
Constant prayer, unbroken chain,
Through times of pleasure and times of pain.
My Jesus hears me, He tells me true,
There is no measure what He can do.
Prayer is the power of God given unto men,
Its limit like its Source, surely without end.
His presence is a constant, every night and every day,
And we should not withhold a second, at all times we should pray.
His presence is ever with me, He counts each hair on my head,
His sun shines down on good and bad, and every mouth is fed.
Though he sees my heart, both night and day,
Loves me in spite of my wicked ways.
My thoughts and lips shall praise His Name,
And every move and step should do the same.
Constant prayer, unbroken chain,
Through times of pleasure, times of pain.
My Jesus hears me, He tells me true,
There is no measure what He can do,


Pray continually.
I Thessalonians 5:17

A note about “Incessant”: Wishful thinking at best! But it is certainly the ideal for which I (and everyone should) strive. Lonely? Talk to Him! Need advice? Ask Him! Want to see change? It’s all in His hand! The hotline is open 24/7 and He wants to hear from you. Do you like being ignored? Neither does He! Ever get the silent treatment from another human? He puts up with a whole world of it! Don’t be a contributor to His pain. He is as close as your heart, either inside at work or outside knocking. Thank you Jesus! See how easy that was?

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