Beautiful Angel

Joel & Debbie, his Beautiful Angel

Joel & Debbie, his Beautiful Angel

Beautiful Angel, there by my side,
Here in my heart, forever I’ll hide.
Beautiful Angel, keep me in line
‘til death do us part, remain in my heart for all of time.
Beautiful Angel, love of my life,
Heaven has blessed me with a beautiful wife.
Beautiful Angel, our love has survived
The water and fire, pain and desire, now it’s pure and refined.
Beautiful Angel, our God has made us one
Standing in His grace, living in our faith and looking to His Son.
Beautiful Angel, we’ve stood the test of time
And when we cross the river
We’ll love our God and live there
Forever we will shine.

“He who finds a wife finds a good thing,
and obtains favor from the Lord.”
Proverbs 18:22

A note about “Beautiful Angel”: While reading a book called, “The Power of a Praying Husband,” I came across a question, “Do you ever talk to your wife in a way that would be considered rude if you were speaking to a friend or business associate? I had to answer yes to that one. Feeling guilty I felt something special for my wife was in order. That night I had a dream I was sitting in with a group of musicians (whom I did not know) and they were playing this catchy tune and I was playing these riffs I never knew I had. Where did that come from I wondered? I woke up and grabbed my guitar at two in the morning and the words Beautiful Angel were in my head. First time the melody had come before the lyrics. Boy this is good I thought, but soon I said “this sure sounds familiar.” After a few minutes I realized that it not only sounded like another song already written, but it sounded like every other country song ever written. I thought to myself, “that’s great, I’ve got these lyrics now what am I going to do?” It was if God said that instant, “Try this,” Here came this chord progression I’ve never done before and the melody fell out of it just like that. Amazing! Though not very long it’s definitely one of the best that He has given me. The Lord moves in mysterious ways. Don’t look that up; it’s not in the Bible. I looked for a half hour before I got my angel to google it.

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