Unlimited Minutes

I call home to my Father every day,
He listens to all that I have to say.
No matter how small a problem may be,
His ear’s always there and open for me.
I thank Him and praise Him, He’s my hero indeed,
He is always there for all of my needs.
He won’t put me on hold, no breaks in the line,
I’m able to call at any old time.
Midnight or morning, no time is wrong,
Sometimes I keep talking, I go on and on.
I call when I’m weary, call when I’m sad,
I call when I’m cheery, call when I’m glad.
I ask Him for mercy, ask Him for grace,
I ask Him for wisdom and to increase my weak faith.
He grants all desires in line with His own.
And keeps them in check for toward greed I am prone.
Why is He so good to me, He only knows,
Sometimes when I talk to Him I start to doze.
But while I am talking, He never does snooze,
Though some of my chit-chat’s the most boring of news.
Not just a Father, but the greatest of Friends,
He really does care, He does not pretend.
Who else can you call any day or dark night,
Who will listen till dawn and morning’s first light?
No one else do I know would suffer through this,
They wouldn’t pick up the phone if they knew who it is.
But He’s always there throughout the whole call,
He listens intently to each word and to all.
Some people don’t call Him, I’ll never know why,
That question will bug me till the day that I die.
And when that day comes I’ll live at His place,
Then I’ll talk to Him all the time and I hope face to face.
But until that day comes, I’ll call on my knees,
And do all that I can, my Father to please.


Pray continually.
1 Thessalonians 5:17

A note about “Unlimited Minutes”: I told the kids in the Sunday School class the other day, I usually spend forty-five minutes a day in one-on-one, nothing but prayer and all through the day I pray while doing whatever it is that I do in the course of my day. One girl asked what in the world could I pray about that would take that much time. I asked her how long she talks on the phone, hours and hours was her reply. I thought I might shame her but it looks like she shamed me. I pray that we all get a grip on its full potential before we get where we are going.

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