The Treasure Chest

One day when I had stopped on by a yard sale full of junk,
My little eye, it did spy a rustic dusty trunk.
I must confess, a treasure chest, I thought on my first glance,
And I did say, not every day, does one get such a chance.
A rusty lock, did hold its stock, and no one there could tell
Me if this could, this chest of wood hold heaven or hold hell.
Its price was nice, a meager sum if only for the box,
It could have gold within its hold or maybe only rocks.
I asked the seller a kindly feller, “why would you this not keep?”
“I’ve had no yen to look within, please buy it cause it’s cheap.”
I think I must, or I will bust, I think there’s something good
Within this crate perhaps my fate is in this box of wood.
I paid the man into his hand my money it was thrown,
And I knew not what I had bought as I hurried to my home.
I beat that lock around the clock till finally it was popped,
Then what I did I raised the lid and my heart it nearly stopped.
A silver key’s what I did see next to a box made of pure gold,
Someone had written a simple note of what that box did hold:
Worldly wealth and body’s health
can’t compare to what’s inside,
Death can’t hold the blessed soul whose life within abides.
Joy and peace they shall increase and vanquish every fear,
And hope sublime surpassing time to those who hold it dear.
No rot, no rust this you may trust, it will never pass away,
Its glory shines throughout all time and even for today.
Its truth reveals and no one can steal
when placed inside your heart,
It won’t take much, just a touch for its power in you to start.
Food for the soul outweighs mere gold;
it outshines even the sun,
It is a light that is so bright, all darkness from it runs.
It’s made from Love from up above it’s full of truth and grace,
And if you need to be set free, then mix it well with faith.
My heart did pound and without sound I turned the silver key,
When I unlocked the golden box in beauty I did see.
A letter nothing better written from Him who cannot lie,
Addressed to me completely free it almost made me cry.
Now what I read went to my head, He said He Loved me so,
He sent His Son, His only One to die so I could know.
A life with Him who know no sin, who’s perfect and is just,
All I must do and so can you is in this letter trust.
Please take a look inside this Book, the greatest words yet wrote,
It was not junk this priceless trunk; it holds the Words God spoke.


In the past God spoke to our forefathers through the prophets at many times
and in various ways, but in these last days he has spoken to us by His Son.

Hebrews 1:1

A note about “The Treasure Chest”: The idea tumbled through my head for a few days, but when I started writing most of it was done while re-pointing a chimney on a roof. I left my pencil and paper in the truck and probably every other line represents a trip up and down the ladder. One of my favorites for sure!

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