Idol Thoughts

Not too many years ago I was a prisoner of my dreams,
The very things I wanted I found out was Satan’s schemes.
Be careful what you wish for, you just might get your hell,
Funny how the things we want are what the devil sells.
Fair weather friends will love you until the weather turns,
And when the party’s over, your company they’ll spurn.
Worldly things that sparkle brightly, things that we desire,
Often burn us bad before too long, burn us with their fire.
And the idols that we worship will all come tumbling down,
In pieces they lie shattered, broken on the ground.
Although a man may gain the world and lose his very soul,
Men chase the dreams of emptiness and lust for pure fool’s gold.
Meaningless, meaningless, a chasing of the wind,
The worldly things we seek, most assuredly will end.
You cannot take it with you and these idols will not last,
The sure thing of their future as they’ll soon enough be past.
Men bow down before idols that have no life at all,
And just like their worthless idols they’re destined for a fall.
But the wise man seeks our Creator, our awesome God above,
Who revealed His heart, mercy and grace with His most perfect Love.
What fool would ever worship a brittle pot of clay,
When the Potter is the Lord of all and rules both night and day.
He spins the world upon His finger and rolls it on its course,
Steady as it makes its way, oh what a mighty Force.
How can unbelievers look up to nighttime sky,
And never ask themselves Who did it, never question why?
Earthly pleasures the great destroyer when looked upon with greed,
But God gives all to those who call to Him when they’re in need.
What is it you fancy, that your heart cannot resist?
Is it something much like smoke, a vapor or a mist?
Or is it God eternal, yes Him and Him alone,
Is your love for Him deep as your skin, or is it to your bone?
Seek Him while you may find Him and leave the trash within the heap,
Dive into God’s Word and Love, immerse yourself so deep.
Fix your eyes on Jesus with glorious vision of faith,
God gives it to all who ask of Him by His Loving grace.
Who would have a taste for dung when God has made a feast?
Those who listen to the serpent, that cunning evil beast.
God is Love and Love is God and our worship He deserves,
And what your heart desires is exactly what you’ll serve.


We know that “An idol is nothing at all in the world”
and that “There is no God but one.”
I Corinthians 8:4

A note about “Idol Thoughts”: We think of idol worshipers as uneducated wild type people bowing down to some sort of carved statue or a volcano or something. Ancient civilizations that never got a grasp on the sophisticated age we live in. But the truth is we probably have more idol worshipers in this present age than ever before. Money, drugs, sex, booze, power, materialism or even collecting stamps is indeed an idol if it takes more of your time than you offer to God. How we spend our time is a very accurate measure of what we love. For example: how much time do you spend with electronic gadgets such as T.V., computer, or cell phone versus time you spend in God’s Word and prayer?

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