A Call to Arms

Are you a frontline warrior or an armchair quarterback?
Are you busy sharing love or running for a snack?
Do you defend God’s Kingdom in your words and actions too,
Or are you much too busy with the things the world does do?
On the frontlines there is trouble of the same that faced our Lord,
So daily read your Bible, that’s how we keep sharp sword.
For we are not in battle with flesh and blood and bone,
But with powers of the dark side who rule from evil thrones.
We must be shrewd as snakes, but harmless as a dove,
This is just exactly how we must convey God’s Love.
Down within the trenches we’re dug in for the fight,
From early in the morning, till late into the night.
Satan and his army will fight for every inch,
Its hand to hand combat, we’re in an evil clinch.
His ways are very subtle; he doesn’t care for a fair fight,
He often masquerades as an angel of bright light.
Re-con is important. Learn your enemy oh so well,
For his aim is to lead you away from God and into hell.
But our General He is Jesus and victory it is His,
We know that we will win because we know that He does live.
Life on the frontline will often cause us pain,
But the reward is very great and eternal is the gain.
The armchair quarterback, their fight is just pretend,
They let others do the dirty work, in the war against all sin.
Smug and complacent as they slowly drift downstream,
If you don’t stand against the devil you may be on his team.
So we must fight for our souls and the souls of other men,
Day by day, inch by inch in the valley of dark sin.
But when we cross the river and on the other side,
Our victory will be there, Satan’s power’s been denied.
The battle may be long, but the victory shall be sure,
To all who don’t give up who overcome and do endure.
And what an awesome trophy is waiting for us there,
A crown of life and Jesus and the souls of men so fair.
We brought back from the path of hell their clothes smelled of its smoke,
But an armchair quarterback, the fires of hell they only stoke.
Are you a valiant fighter for men’s most precious souls,
Or do you sit and watch the fight with your head inside a hole?


Last of all I want to remind you that your strength
must come from the Lord’s mighty power within you.
Put on all of God’s armor so that you will be able
to stand safe against all strategies and tricks of Satan.
For we are not fighting against people made of flesh and blood,
but against persons without bodies—the evil rulers of the unseen world,
those mighty satanic beings and great evil princes of darkness who rule this world;
and against huge numbers of wicked spirits in the spirit world.
Ephesians 6:10-12

A note about “A Call to Arms”: Inspired by my mentor in the jail ministry, Terri Townsend. I went to Terri about a friend of mine who was having a problem with an infestation of demon(s) in her house. Being for the most part ignorant on the subject I went to her because I didn’t know anyone else that might know. She went out of her way to council and pray with this child. She fears nothing, but God. The frontlines may not be God’s purpose for everybody, but I don’t believe sitting continually is His purpose for anybody.

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