A Voice in the Wilderness

Of men born to women Christ said there’s no one greater,
But the least will be better in the Kingdom of our Creator.
His message was repentance way back then and also now,
We pave smooth road to God when in submission we do bow.
When we turn our back on sin and walk in God’s direction,
We yearn to do His will and seek His wise correction.
Old John he baptized for repentance and it was done in faith,
And those who washed their hearts in water were seeking God’s sweet Grace.
He didn’t mince words, didn’t care who he offended,
For his God was his everything and his God he sure defended.
Sweet wild honey and hoppers was his daily diet,
Don’t you dare knock it until you go and try it.
For man can’t live by simply bread and that alone,
God’s Spirit was upon him and for that is how he’s known.
He said he wasn’t worthy to carry Jesus’ shoes,
For he knew exactly who He was, tell me now, do you?
What a great privilege to baptize Jesus Christ,
Who didn’t need repentance, not a day in His earthly life.
But when John pushed Him under, a reminder of His death,
And when He came up out the water like a resurrection breath.
Old Johnny never backed down when fighting against sin,
He wouldn’t compromise with the likes of evil men.
Good is good, bad is bad, there wasn’t any fudging on God’s code,
Right is right, wrong is wrong, he’d not take the middle of the road.
But this kind of thinking cost him his very life,
By telling old Herod don’t take your brother’s wife.
That woman she got mad and she wanted the Baptist dead,
Couldn’t please that woman till she got that poor John’s head.
Though John lost his head with God he lives above,
Tell me now partner how much do God you love?
If your faith doesn’t cost you, you might not have it right,
For the evil in this world has never liked the light.
Is your life a witness unto the Righteous One,
Jesus Christ our Savior, God’s Holy perfect Son?
Have you repented in your word and also in your deeds?
Can you be like John and Jesus and for the truth now also bleed?


A voice of one calling: “In the wilderness prepare the way for the LORD;
make straight in the desert a highway for our God.”
Isaiah 40:3

A note about “A Voice in the Wilderness”: This is about John the Baptist, of course, an amazing person who was totally devoted to God. Jesus said that no one born of women has risen greater than John the Baptist, but the least in the Kingdom of Heaven is greater than him. I’ve always thought this was pertaining to the time after we die when we arrive in heaven. No sin will be found there or in us when we are there. However when we are born again are we not part of that Kingdom? If we are indwelt with the Holy Spirit are we not on the same playing field with John? Not to mention all the Bible study tools that are at our fingertips in this information age that wasn’t available then. Got a hankering for some honey-coated grasshopper yet?

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