What Time Ya Got?

Waste not, want not, we’ve all heard say,
But what have we done with our yesterdays?
Have they any value, have they any worth?
Are they used all up with temporary mirth?
Each day is a diamond, that’s here then it’s gone,
Do you give it to the Master whom it really does belong?
Do you use them for yourself like water in your hand?
Is your house a great palace built upon the sand?
Our life on earth will soon be gone,
What we do for Christ will go beyond.
The grave that swallows all but our soul,
Our bodies and possessions vanish in that hole.
Time’s a temp commodity that God does freely give,
But no one knows its limit, how long that they will live.
A day like a dollar is meant to be spent,
But do you spend it with God’s same intent?
Days turn to weeks and weeks turn to years,
And soon we’re face to face with our greatest fears.
That time has slipped away with nothing to show,
Not a thing to bring sweet Jesus on that day when we all go.
To stand up before Him while others bring Him gifts,
The chance that we had we blew it, yes, we missed.
Now is the time to give Him all your love,
Don’t wait till then when we join Him up above.
You don’t look for a present when you get to the party,
On the day you leave this world behind you know you won’t be tardy.
Time is just a drop in eternity’s ocean,
And what we do today has a rippling motion.
A stone in a pond makes waves to every shore,
And love when it’s shown precedes us out the door.
Our days are much too precious to simply let them waste,
Now night is falling while day is here, please let us haste
To do the work of our Master kind and true,
The time is now, tomorrow the time just maybe through.
Perhaps you give Him all or maybe some,
Or maybe you’ve given God exactly none.
But what you give you surely will receive,
It doesn’t take a genius this notion to conceive.
And if you haven’t trusted Jesus with your very soul,
Do not wait till your body gets feeble and old.
For hearts grow hard and sight grows dim,
Come right now, come right to Him.
For time doesn’t wait, tomorrow never knows,
And no one can be certain when the curtain it will close!


As long as it is day, we must do the works of him who sent me.
Night is coming, when no one can work.
John 9:4

A note about “What Time Ya Got?”: I saw a church sign that inspired this one that said, “Do not squander 2016” How precious is our time and how carelessly we squander it. The Hope diamond is worth millions of dollars, but it will not buy you one more day. Diamonds aren’t forever, but what we do, however insignificant (Matthew 10:42) for Christ will have eternal consequences in a good way. In the same line of thought every day that’s wasted is one you can’t make up. You may think you can, but tomorrow has its own agenda. What time ya got left here on Earth? Only God knows that answer. My dad used to say live each day as though it might be your last, but make your plans like you will live a thousand more years. No one has ever lived a thousand years, but your offspring very well could. Think carefully exactly how you invest your time.

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