It may come in an instant; it may take years and years,
The seed of it is sin; the fruit of it is tears.
As soul is separated from the frame the mortal turns to dust,
The world’s most massive battleship will soon succumb to rust.
We’re all within a heartbeat of eternity, you see,
And now’s the time when we decide where that eternity will be.
Water underneath the bridge cannot be changed to wine,
And we can never change the deeds committed in past time.
But tomorrow is a new day if it’s there for us at all,
Best make sure your bags are packed the day that God does call.
Good deeds are but a laughingstock to Him who rules above,
The only ones we take with us, are the ones that are born in love.
The fire of time burns everything, all we are and all we know,
Except the things of God’s Kingdom we plant, nurture and grow.
Satan says, “You will not die”, to every woman and man,
And we believe this liar; look how our days we plan.
Racing here, racing there, building bigger barns,
Our worldly wealth we fertilize on our earthly farms.
We take no heed as God concedes the wealth within His hand,
The immeasurable content of it is beyond what we understand.
You may live ten thousand days or double that or more,
But only what you live for God will you take to the door.
How much do you give Him, the Sabbath when it’s due?
Or do you give every minute you think belongs to you?
For every second’s borrowed time no single one we own,
And we will one day give account before God’s Holy throne.
Now that day comes so quickly before our very eyes,
And though we see it coming we act though we’re surprised.
The flowers for your funeral may this minute come to bloom,
Have you made reservations in heaven for a room?
Jesus is the only Door to the place God wants for us,
And the spilling of His precious Blood is all that we can trust.
Or will you hold so greedily these things you think are yours,
We leave these things so far behind as we leave these earthly shores.
And set sail for eternity the wise do plot their course,
You can lead a horse to water, but for him to drink you cannot force.
As you approach the road’s great fork your direction you decide,
One day there’ll be no turning back, no place to run or hide.


They die in an instant, in the middle of the night;
the people are shaken and they pass away;
the mighty are removed without human hand.
Job 34:20

A note about “The Inevitable”: Satan said in Genesis, “You surely will not die,” and he has whispered that in every ear since then. If he can’t convince us with that, he tells us that it is something in the far distant future and we need not concern ourselves with it now. As we grow older this indifference to it seems to alleviate our fears some and our hearts become hard to the truth. The truth is that death is only a heartbeat away for anyone and everyone. What you’re gonna do, don’t wait, do it now. Of utmost importance to you: salvation. Whether you spend eternity in heaven or hell is decided here and now. Jesus seemed to say that once you die it’s too late to change course. Luke 16:26 of utmost importance to those you love; your witness to them, how you walk, what you talk. Time is short and you have less than you did twenty-four hours ago. Twenty four hours from now may be too late. God knows, we don’t!

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