Borrowed Time

Every day’s a diamond that can’t be bought or sold,
Like water in your hand you cannot grasp or hold.
Time is such a precious gift the Lord gives every minute,
And like the wind it blows on by even though we are within it.
Time is fleeting, time is fast,
And now short days will soon be past.
Shadows lengthen with setting sun,
And shadows are cast by everyone.
Our earthly days they are but smoke,
This very notion God’s Word has spoke.
But Satan has a different view, he whispers in our ear,
He tells a lie that is not true, that we should have no fear.
“Tomorrow is another day and it will be there for us”,
But no one knows the future, this snake you must not trust.
Have you invested the time at hand in heaven’s eternal coffers?
Have you made the best of all that God does freely offer?
Earthly things He gives to us for us to spin to gold,
The riches we can build today can be such wealth untold.
But do we waste our days away on things that pass away?
Remember that even our bodies are simply made of clay.
Ashes to ashes, dust to dust,
What is shiny turns to rust.
Money comes, money goes,
The things of earth away it blows.
But what we do for God above,
Not for points, but purely love,
Outlast the stars up in the sky,
And goes beyond when our bodies die.
Tick, tock, tick tock the heartbeat of earth’s time,
It’s all on loan, we do not own, I cannot say it’s mine.
But it can be exchanged for a joy that never fades,
We store it up in heaven, but here on earth it’s made.
Eternity’s been bought with the Blood of Jesus Christ,
So will you treat with love or contempt our Savior’s earthly life?
The time you spend on love for Him will never slip away,
And you may find eternal reward by what you do today.
Something for nothing, people say, is a deal that cannot be,
But God gives it again and again to His children, can’t you see?
Cause time brings all to nothing, all we are and all we own,
But all the love we give to God in time it will be shown.
For what it is a precious gift that has eternal shine,
So tell me true what you will do with your borrowed time?


So be careful how you live; be mindful of your steps.
Don’t run around like idiots as the rest of the world does.
Instead, walk as the wise!
Make the most of every living and breathing moment because these are evil times.
Ephesians 5:15-16 (The Voice)

A note about “Borrowed Time”: Don’t think for a minute that the next minute is yours. It may well be, but there is no guarantee. Every second is on loan from God. Satan would, and does, argue that. My dad used to say, “Plan like you will live a thousand years and live like this day is your last.” Wise advice, the Bible says in no uncertain terms that the evil we do will follow us into our life after death (not as terrible for those washed clean in the Blood of Jesus, but according to Romans 14:12 and II Corinthians 5:10 we will have to answer to God in some fashion.) It also says we will be rewarded for good we do now. You can only harvest in harvest season what you plant in springtime. Now is the time for pleasing God in faith, we cannot do that later!

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