A Sabbath Rest for the Earth

The earth shall receive its Sabbath one day,
The time we’ve all been taught for to pray.
A rest from war, yes a time of great peace,
From destruction and evil, it will be a relief.
Satan will be bound for a thousand blessed years,
No harm he’ll inflict, no trouble, no fears.
And Christ will take His right place as King,
Angels and men will rejoice and will sing.
Life will be wonderful, life will be good,
As God all along intended it would.
On Jesus the government will be on His shoulder,
The beauty of Him in the eye of beholders.
No more liars or cheats will be in charge,
The scope of His Kingdom each day will enlarge.
But birth pains must come and surely they will,
When a fire will burn and men they will kill.
But this time will pass and quickly we pray,
And Christ will return, what a wonderful day.
So get yourself ready and look to the sky,
For He will return in the same way He did rise,
In ascension to heaven on that day long ago,
He’s coming back soon, I just feel it, I know!
What a time of great joy, of love and of beauty,
Now get yourself ready, He said it’s our duty.
A great Sabbath rest for the earth and all men,
But right now in your heart it can now begin!


He was given authority, glory and sovereign power;
all nations and peoples of every language worshiped him.
His dominion is an everlasting dominion that will not pass away,
and his kingdom is one that will never be destroyed.

Daniel 7:14

A note about A Sabbath Rest For the Earth: Every time we say the Lord’s prayer we pray for the coming 1000 year reign of Jesus right here on planet earth. I Peter 3:8 declares that a 1000 years is like a day to the Lord, so after an approximate 6000 years since the Garden of Eden and all the strife and turmoil this world has seen since then, the timing of its Sabbath seems God-perfect as usual. We may or may not be here to experience it but it will happen and I look forward to this great worldwide blessing whether I am around to enjoy it or maybe my descendants! Maranatha!

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