
God gives to us a day of rest
From strain of work and labor’s quest.
We’ve much to do, no time to take
This God-ordained Holy break.
But He Himself had His day,
Are we above His perfect way?
The Pharisees did add their rules,
To make men slaves unto those fools.
Were we made to serve the day?
Or does it help us on our way?
Six days we have for earthly wealth,
This one is for our spirit’s health.
A time for rest from worldly woes,
A time to look to Him who knows.
The deepest place within our heart,
Our every thought, our every part.
We find our rest within our Christ,
It can’t be bought for mortal price.
So take the time, to give His due,
And what you gain will be for you.
So many men spend every day
Trying to make each one pay.
A dividend of merely gold,
They gain the world, but lose their soul.
Take every day to seek His face,
But the Sabbath is that special place
Where we forsake all worldliness,
And for short time enjoy God’s bliss.
He did not make it to cause us strife,
But to enhance our earthly life.
So take one day this very week
To hear His Word and to Him speak.
And your wealth will surpass the purest gold,
And you’ll be rich within your soul.


“If you keep your feet from breaking the Sabbath
and from doing as you please on my holy day,
if you call the Sabbath a delight
and the Lord’s holy day honorable,
and if you honor it by not going your own way
and not doing as you please or speaking idle words,
then you will find your joy in the Lord,
and I will cause you to ride in triumph on the heights of the land
and to feast on the inheritance of your father Jacob.”
For the mouth of the Lord has spoken.
Isaiah 58:13-14

A note about “Braketime”: Some may think the Sabbath was declared in Exodus 20 with the Ten Commandments, but it was actually established in Genesis Chapter two. We usually look at (what we call) the negative side of it, the fact that we are not supposed to work. This seems to be a bother in our hyperactive society. But in Isaiah 58:13-14 we are told to go ever further by not seeking our own pleasure, but it is to be given wholly to God. Not grudgingly either. I don’t think He wants anything we have that way. If you love someone you will want to spend time with them. Remember this is not so much a commandment, but a privilege and not a bother but refreshment for our souls. I take my Sabbath on the Sabbath because there in not one scripture that validates the change to Sunday, but according to Colossians 2:16-17 I judge no one on the day they celebrate a rest. That is between yourself and God.

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