
“What am I,” said the clay to the Potter,
“A handful of dirt and a dose of water?
A roaming pilgrim to grave from birth,
Slave to time, prisoner of earth.
Why give joy, why give pleasure,
When all my days have been pre-measured?”
“Listen, my child,” said the Potter to me,
“You are more than your eyes can see.
This frame of clay holds within,
A soul eternal that may never end.
Right now it remains deep inside,
Skin and bone is where it resides.
But it does seek Me where the flesh does not,
And it remains when your body will rot.
But it’s been tainted and lost its worth,
From the sin you inherited from your birth.
And you all have added to this poison of death,
It seems all men sin with their every breath.
But I have bought back your soul with unspeakable Price,
With the Blood of My Son and His unblemished Life.
He entered this world just like yourself,
Came down off His throne, gave up His wealth.
And died like a criminal in your very place,
My Love for you is the greatest of grace.
With this in mind, think about your soul,
When you accept My Gift it’s worth more than gold.
But not because of you, for no merit can you boast,
It’s all been done for you by Father, Son and Holy Ghost.
Before My Gift, remember who you were,
A prisoner of the devil and a willing one for sure.
Exalt not yourself come humble fore My throne,
And with your frame of clay make My glory known.
And you will ever grow like the mightiest tree,
But not just to the sky, but for eternity.”


For we know that if the earthly tent we live in is destroyed,
we have a building from God, an eternal house in heaven,
not built by human hands.
2 Corinthians 5:1

A note about “Chrysalis”: God gives us an idea of what to expect when we reach the other side by the lowly worm’s transformation into the spectacular beauty of color and grace in the flight of a butterfly. Though only a lump of clay presently, within the Master Potter’s hand being shaped and molded and the fire of trials, (I Peter 1:6-7) we will by conforming to His perfect will, be one day a masterpiece and in the realm of eternity, not a finished product but an endlessly growing and refining vessel filling with God’s Love overflowing back to Him.

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