Oh to be called to prayer and answer with my life,
And save a hell bound multitude already paid by Christ.
For prayer can move the mountain that keeps them in the vale,
It breaks hard hearts of sinful men where pious sermons fail.
The devil he would keep us from this victory on our knees,
The flesh always desire to do just as it pleases.
But the mighty hands of God are moved when we do now pray,
Who would think mere mortal lips could ever have such sway?
But His word it surely testifies and God can never lie,
Even though we wonder exactly how and why.
Now God can’t change a man’s free will, puppets we are not,
But He can take the coldest heart and warm it till it’s hot.
He can take a blind man stumbling in the dark,
And flood him with the brightest light from prayers tiny spark.
He can turn the deaf man’s ears as dead as any stone,
And fill them with sweet words from heaven and they become His own.
I truly think my earthly father prayed nonstop for me,
A prisoner of a wheelchair when unto God he made his plea.
Great silence it had bound his mouth as cancer took its toll,
But in his final earthly days great change came to my soul.
His once so busy lifestyle had ground to sudden halt,
Nothing left for him to do, but spread prayers healing salt.
So as I’ve been freely given, I also give away,
My life a little at a time, each time I kneel and pray.
For victory won’t ever come with eloquence of speech,
The things that only God can do, beyond mere mortal reach.
You can read a thousand books on winning souls my friend,
But prayer is where hearts are turned away from life of sin.
It isn’t always easy we think there must be a better way,
But when in faith we call Gods Name He hears us when we pray.
And He will honor humble faith; His Word declares this true,
And when we sit there at His feet no greater can we do.
So please take time to reach Gods ears, you soul in shell of clay,
And speak to Him who Loves us so, yes pray and pray and pray.


Moreover, as for me, far be it from me
that I should sin against the Lord by ceasing to pray for you;
but I will instruct you in the good and right way.
1 Samuel 12:23

A note about “Prayer-bound”: After reading a book by E. M. Bounds (1835-1913) (hence partly the reason for the name of the title) and by finish, I mean that night, four hours later this was written at 1:00am to 2:00am. I fought the urge to go back to sleep and decided to write the first two lines and go back to sleep, but once I started there was no stopping. What an amazing book! It should be required reading for anyone who stands behind a pulpit. Actually, it should be required reading for anyone on the other side of the pulpit.  The name of the book is “Power through Prayer.” Looking forward to meeting this individual.

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