As we cross this desert, this parched wasteland,
In search of water, it seems there’s nothing but sand.
Our mouths are dry with a burning thirst,
This journey seems though it’s truly cursed.
The water we brought has long since gone,
Our sure demise it won’t be long.
But as we reach our darkest hour,
We see the glory of God’s great power.
Precious water from a Rock,
Cold and clear, that will not stop.
We fall to our knees, in joy we drink,
God’s rescued us from deaths cold brink.
As our hearts are filled with the Water of Life,
This Living Water, the Messiah, the Christ.
Lead me to these Waters still,
That I may drink and get my fill,
And I will have an endless spring,
A fountain of love and I will sing
Of Him who saved my thirsty soul,
With this liquid Love and not with gold.
For all the world’s riches are desert sand,
The sum of all won’t save a man.
But the Water of Life will surely save
Us all from the pit, from the dark of the grave.
When we drink from wells dug by men,
In thirst we always will come back again.
But when we drink this Water of Life,
We’ll never thirst as we drink from Christ.
It won’t run out, there’s plenty for all,
Come now drink, hear the Master’s call.
Water flowing, pure as can be,
From our thirst, it sets us free.
I know thirst, I know the water’s pleasure,
And when you’re thirsty, there’s no greater treasure.
If anyone is thirsty let him come to Christ,
And drink deep and freely, sweet Water of Life.


Jesus answered her, “If you knew the gift of God
and who it is that asks you for a drink,
you would have asked him
and he would have given you living water.”
John 4:10

A note about “Water of Life”: We’ve all been thirsty before, perhaps not in an extreme measure, but after breathing, before eating, it is the most necessary thing we do. Jesus first presented this analogy to the woman at the well (John 4:4-26, He also used it again in John 7:37-38) Jesus liked to teach people spiritual knowledge using physical things they could relate to. Water is such a big part of our lives not to mention that fifty to seventy five percent of our bodies are water. As important as it is, it does nothing for our soul and our soul is nothing without the Living Water. Bottoms up!


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