Oh Lord please keep this ember burning,
Within my heart this faintest yearning.
The storms of Satan would put it out,
Make it cold with fear and doubt.
But You can fan it into flame,
As my heart instills Your Name.
Your Love so warm in a world so cold,
Kindle desire within my soul.
My love for You is weak at best,
Until it grows, give me no rest.
My soul and mind would give You all,
But body and heart ignore the call.
Save me from my loathsome self,
As I put Your Love on closet shelf.
I know Your will should be my way,
But I put it off till another day.
But tomorrow may not come for me,
For I do not know where I may be.
If I should lose this wisp of fire,
What evil may replace my Holy desire?
Oh precious Jesus this fire do stoke,
With words in red that You have spoke.
Bring me to a higher plain,
May my one desire be Your Name.
Fuel it with Your endless Love,
That it may burn like sun above.
And warm the hearts and souls of others,
Friends I know, sisters and brothers.
You declare a spark of faith,
Can move a mountain by Your grace.
Please stir the dwindling coals within,
My heart made cold by my own sin.
For You are strong and I am weak,
I find great strength in Words You speak.
So burn all idol temples down,
Don’t let the devil my ember drown.
And as my faith bursts into flame,
I’ll thank You and I’ll praise Your Name!


A bruised reed he will not break,
and a smoldering wick he will not snuff out.
In faithfulness he will bring forth justice;
Isaiah 42:3

For this reason I remind you
to fan into flame the gift of God
2 Timothy 1:6

A note about “Keeper of the Flame”: Tuesday nights I have Bible study with the inmates in the medium pod. Minimum for slight offences, medium for more serious offences and maximum for the offences that will bring about the lengthiest sentence. The group in medium has dwindled down to one man who will be released in two weeks. I am praying for God to keep an ember, even if it be ever so slight to continue to burn inside that pod, We all (referring to Christians) have a fire inside us, maybe just a smoldering ember, perhaps a burning zeal that ignites a flame in others, but as a lamp gives no light by itself may we remain connected to our Source of Fuel.

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