Restore my soul, good Shepherd, it’s weary and it’s worn,
This sheep’s warm wooly coat, it feels completely shorn.
I’ve stayed the path; I come when You call,
I pick myself up whenever I fall.
I know full well You Love me, of that I have no doubt,
But I can’t seem to shake this cold; it’s in and won’t come out.
My friends, they all have disappeared, gone with the blowing wind,
I guess I’m not much fun anymore since I’ve lost my yen for sin.
Although my heart holds deepest joy, my surface it is sad,
I long for better days ahead and miss the ones I had.
The blues will come, the blues will go,
It’s day to day, this I know.
Ups and downs, round and round, it happens to everyone,
We have our days of storms and rain when we won’t see the sun.
Just because we abide in Christ, don’t mean we’ll have a perfect life,
If God would refine us for our good, then trouble is the price.
But weary souls make hanging heads and here the problems found,
A hanging head can only see what’s low and on the ground.
Lift your eyes unto the skies; our help comes from above,
As we look up to Jesus we clearly see Gods Love.
Who can view in wonder at God’s most awesome grace?
It’s spelled out in the largest print upon the Master’s face.
And not see in perspective the lack in worldly wealth,
When we are His we have no need for anyone or self.
He can bring your soul right back to where it was before,
Flying high in bluest skies, He’s got you off the floor.
Weeping tears may flood the night, but soon the dawn will break,
And joy will rise with the sun, the kind you cannot fake.
I pity the fool, who won’t let God rule; when he’s down, it’s for the count,
Yes, my wealthy soul is richer than gold, it has a Holy Fount.
For Jesus puts the J in joy, I can’t be down for long,
For my soul may be as weak as a kitten, my Savior He is strong.
Restores my soul to where it was and then some, yes indeed,
Sweet Jesus is the only thing my soul will ever need.


For his anger lasts only a moment,
but his favor lasts a lifetime;
weeping may stay for the night,
but rejoicing comes in the morning.
Psalm 30:5

He restores my soul;
He guides me in the paths of righteousness
For His name’s sake.
Psalm 23:3

A note about “He Restoreth my Soul”: Being born again is the ultimate restoration of the soul, but sometimes as Christians we all have our bad days where things don’t go as planned or to our liking. Due to our lack of faith we don’t “feel” the presence of God that we “felt” on better days. May we all learn (including myself) that faith and feelings don’t always go hand and hand. When we start to sink beneath the waves like Peter it might be because we took our eyes off of Jesus and looked in worry at our problems. Jesus took Peter by the hand and brought him back in the boat. His hand is extended to us also whenever we need him.

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