Guide me Father in your righteous path,
As I seek your mercy and fear your wrath.
The road to You has valleys and peaks,
Straight and narrow, but often steep.
My feet are shod with the gospel of peace,
My strength won’t wane, but does increase.
The miles fly by on this joyful road,
My burden is easy cause love’s my code.
Lead me please Jesus for I bear Your Name,
I would never want to bring it shame.
For many men have done just that,
Behind pious masks they were really rats.
Guide me with Your Holy Light,
My blind eyes healed, You gave me sight.
Some would stray far off the trail,
And this is where men start to fail.
I look ahead and not behind,
I leave behind my evil time.
My eyes are focused on the Living Christ,
On this road to glory, this path of life.
For He is the Truth, the Life, the Way,
He guides me true when I do pray.
And read His Word a treasure map,
All blessings He pours into my lap.
The road is long, but will one day end,
Then one paved with gold I shall begin.
When I am done I hope to view,
I’ve polished Your Name with a brighter hue.
So lead on Lord I’m ready to go,
May Your righteous path be all I know.
As I walk in faith by the Light of Your Love,
This path it rises toward my home above.


You will make known to me the path of life;
In Your presence is fullness of joy;
In Your right hand there are pleasures forever.
Psalms 16:11

A note about “Path of Life”: Some say there are two roads we take, one toward heaven and the other toward hell. I think perhaps there is only one road and it’s all about direction. God guides us all, but do we listen? A GPS will only take us where we want to go if we follow instructions. Obedience is a prerequisite to righteousness. (Psalm 23:3) When we are headed in God’s direction we bear His Name, we are His representatives, do we exalt His Name or do we give it shame?

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