Once upon a time on a crisp morning’s beach,
The Christ gave a sermon with every heart He might reach.
He said unto Peter but directed to all,
Can you hear His plain message when to you He does call?
“Do you truly love me more than all these?”
Well do you now friend, is it Him you would please?
Peter told Jesus, “Lord you know that I do,”
Don’t forget that He asks the same thing of you.
Jesus told Peter, “Then take care of my sheep,”
And He tells us each one, “What you sow you will reap.”
Once more He asked Simon Peter, “Do you love me?”
He asks us the same, are we too deaf to see?
His Love for our soul, His Love for the world,
His Love without measure, on the cross it unfurled.
Once more He asked Simon this question of him,
And as we take it to heart, it reveals our own sin.
“Do you love me?” He asks Peter and you,
Pete said, “You know all Lord, you know that I do.”
So how do you answer to this question that’s given?
It’s not what you say; it’s about how you’re livin.
Peter was troubled, for thrice Jesus he’d denied,
And how often from the Master do we choose to hide?
Like Adam in the garden when he ate from the tree,
We run from God’s eye and pretend He can’t see.
Once more He told Peter, “Then go feed my sheep,”
May His same Word to us be the Word that we keep.
We should feed them by example and feed them in love,
Not the love of this world, but the kind from above.
If we truly love Him we will heed His sweet voice,
But He never will force us, because love is a choice.
We answer this question by the way we live life,
Lips won’t hide the heart from the eye of the Christ.
So the question to you as was made long ago,
Do you love the Good Shepherd? By your actions He’ll know.
We all feed His sheep with either food, good or bad,
And one day in the future we’ll know: today’s the time that we had.
To love Him in faith and feed all His sheep,
If this promise you’ve made, then may this promise you keep.


So when they had finished breakfast,
Jesus said to Simon Peter,
“Simon, son of John, do you love Me more than these?”
He *said to Him, “Yes, Lord; You know that I love You.”
He *said to him, “Tend My lambs.”
John 21:15

A note about “Who Do You Love?”: John 14:15 says, “If you love Me, you will obey what I command.” So what did Jesus command? In a nutshell, “Love God with everything you’ve got and love your neighbor as yourself. (Matthew 22:36-40) So often our lives are built on lip service without a true demonstration of unreserved, unconditional love just like Jesus lived. When He told Peter, “Feed My sheep”, He wasn’t referring to poison, and a bad example (disobedience to God) is exactly that. What we say is milk at best, what we do is meat at the least.

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