Every soul has darkened days when death’s grim shadow looms,
Descending into valley of tears of great heartache and gloom.
At the depth of every valley it will soon to rise again,
But times like these it seems as though the sorrow will not end.
When loved ones leave before us, we’re mindful of our time.
With reminders like these and can’t see it coming, it surely means we’re blind.
The shadow cast seems to dim the Light of God’s most brilliant Love,
But we look not to this shady spot, but in faith we look above.
For the Creator of all life we know holds it in His hand,
And death is not the end of us, for our Creator has a plan.
He sent His Son to take our place, where death would swallow us up,
He paid the price for our evil and sin, He drank our bitter cup.
So we have been redeemed from the chains of death and grave,
Though our earthly garments meet decay, our souls He’ll surely save.
And He has made a promise to all who love Him dear,
This promise He has given, removes all trace of fear.
New bodies He will give to those who trust His Blood and Name,
Forever young and healthy they never will feel pain.
One day we will then feast our eyes on Jesus face so sweet,
Oh, what a joyous day when our Savior we do meet.
We shall be like Him; yes, His Word declares this true,
All things will be perfect then; all things will be brand new.
Yes, death is just a shadow, a temporary shade,
The immortal will be put on when the mortal will be laid
To rest with all the earthly things corrupted by manmade sin,
We start life of eternity when we are born again.
King Jesus Christ the Holy Son, He holds the keys of hell and death,
He determines when we come and go and when is our last breath.
But He will raise us up again, the valley won’t us keep,
He reminds us of our dying day whenever we do sleep.
We do not fear the nighttime when we doze and start to nod,
And we should never fear the time when our souls leave frames of sod.
Oh, death where is thy victory, oh death where is thy sting,
God’s children will live forever with the Resurrected King.


Even though I walk through the darkest valley,
I will fear no evil, for you are with me;
Psalm 23:4

A note about “Valley of the Shadow”: I heard the perfect story explaining the analogy of the shadow in Psalm 23:4; a man was driving down the road with his children when one of them asked what is the shadow of death. They were behind a big bus. The man told them that if that bus were to run over top of them it would probably kill them all and they agreed. He proceeded to pass the bus with the sun on the opposite side. While driving through the shadow of the bus he told them that the shadow darkens things, but no harm comes to them. Same with those in Christ, death only darkens our lives for a short time, but it does us no harm.

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