To love or be loved, which one is greater,
We all yearn to live on love’s great equator.
Someone to love us is a beautiful thing,
It fills us with joy and makes our heart sing.
But to love someone else is a reason to live,
We find deepest joy when to another we give.
If no one does love us we’re out in the cold,
We need warmth from another to kindle our soul.
To love another pilgrim has a fire of its own,
When we put them above us and come down off our throne.
Jesus Loved us in the same way you see,
His Love never fails, it always will be.
We all love Him ‘cause He Loved us first,
The Love that He gave would cause my heart to burst.
As I breathe His Love in the same I exhale,
No matter what happens, this Love never fails.
People may fail us, but love never will,
It’s restless and giving and can never be still.
To know God’s to love Him it goes hand in hand,
Though our hearts do receive it, our minds can’t understand.
The equator of Love we find in the Christ,
When we give Him our hearts, when we give Him our life.
Growing and flowing like a stream to the sea,
Forever our Love will faithfully be.
He Loves me so much and I love Him too,
Though the world is a lie, this Love, it is true.
It shall not be shattered by time or by space,
It’s built on His Foundation of mercy and grace.
Who would believe this Love could be true,
That a person could have it and that could be you.
Life is so good on the equator of Love,
Where love from the earth joins Love from above.
What better place could a soul live their life,
Than the equator of Love, forever with Christ.

Tertius and Destina

Love never fails.
1 Corinthians 13:8

We are from God, and whoever knows God listens to us;
but whoever is not from God does not listen to us.
This is how we recognize the Spirit of truth and the spirit of falsehood.
1 John 4:6

A note about “Equator of Love”: That place where God’s Love for us joins with our love for Him. We cannot comprehend the magnitude of this now, although our joy at the present time to grow to get a better grasp of this day by day. I believe it all boils down to this. What we were created for, what all of creation points to, the mutual pleasure of God and those He Loves and their continual growing love for Him. While driving down the road I spoke the words to my friend Destiny Warren (pen name Destina) while she wrote them down. You may think her simply taking dictation should not warrant her name at the end, but I truly believe that is all I ever do.

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