Anoint my head with oil Lord, let it roll down to my chin,
Consecrate me to Your service, I’m ready to begin.
I don’t know why the likes of me You’d choose to now employ,
But the thought of working for You, Lord, it gives me greatest joy.
My resume doesn’t look that good, for I’ve lived a life of sin,
But by Your grace and mercy, You don’t look at where I’ve been.
I qualify by giving You the sum of all I be,
And You ordain me for this job by Your Spirit’s work in me.
What an awesome priveledge to serve within Your ranks,
It humbles me to my core and generates great thanks.
David was anointed for his job of royal King,
His joy was quite evident in Psalms of joy he’d sing.
Aaron was anointed, for priestship was his duty,
Precursor to Messiah, the priest of greatest beauty.
A blind man was too anointed not with oil, but spit and sod,
His duty was to see and show the world the Son of God.
I’ve have been anointed already with neither oil or spit and mud,
But with my Holy Savior’s precious, priceless, cleansing Blood.
It gives to me a new life of freedom from my sin,
It fills my sails with joy and peace, a Holy Divine wind.
It makes me fit for service, irregardless of my past,
It gives me greatest hope that won’t waver, but will last.
It rescues me from Satan’s grip, this tyrant did me hold,
With all the pleasure of this world: lust, power, wealth and gold.
You have given eternal life that will never, ever cease,
Nothing but the Blood of Christ can give such sublime peace.
But anoint me with Your Sacred oil, may it soak down to my bone,
And with it’s power may my life make Your glory known.
For my head it is quite willing and my heart is open too,
There’s nothing in this mean old world I wouldn’t do for You!


You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.
Psalm 23:5

A note about “Lube Job”: Although anointing with oil is mentioned throughout the Bible in a variety of ways, most of the time it seems to be a sanctioned by God consecration. Kings, prophets and even articles for use in the tabernacle/temple. The oil also seems to represent the Holy Spirit in light of I Samuel 10:1-7 and I Samuel 16:13, this would seem to be something we would all desire. Are we good enough to be worthy of this? Of course not! Does Christ’s Blood make us worthy? You betcha! But you have to be willing, God does not force.

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