Faith and fear, they can’t co-exist,
Where one we welcome, the other we resist.
Love and faith go hand and hand,
Where love is perfect, fear cannot stand.
A healthy fear of God we need,
His Word of Wisdom we all should heed.
And fear not men whose hearts are cold,
For they can never touch our soul.
Our God can put our fears to rest,
Perhaps they are from Him a test.
He lays them bare and brings them out,
For the benefit of removing doubt.
Men of courage may seem quite brave,
Until confronted with death and grave.
As fear of judgement settles in,
They think of God and their own sin.
But I hold hope within my heart,
Where my forever surely starts.
No man or self can break my faith,
It’s built upon God’s Love and Grace.
My rest and peace reside in here,
A place of light, no dark or fear.
Illumined by the Word of Christ,
He’s banished fear from my life.
For He is with me, both night and day,
When fear arises, I need only pray.
My God, a mighty fortress is,
He is mine and I am His.
The Shepherd will protect His sheep,
He won’t lose one, but will all keep.
In the safety of His tender hand,
There is no fear among weakest lambs.
So, my Courage is surely not mine,
By faith in God is where I find
A place of refuge where all fear is gone,
Within His arms is where I belong!


Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered.
Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.
Luke 12:7

A note about “Fear Not”: The opposite of faith is fear. You may think the opposite of fear is courage, but even that is merely the by-product of faith, because if faith is not involved then it’s just plain stupidity. Fools rush in where angels fear to tread. By the way that’s not scriptural, just an old cliché. As for the phrase “angels fear to tread” it would probably be better put, where angels have better sense to go. I seriously doubt if angels fear anything other than God.

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