Have you ever seen a dancing tree?
A man guilty of death, a judge set free?
Have you witnessed a worm take to the skies,
The biggest fool becomes quite wise?
How about water turned to wine,
Do you think that God a man may find?
Can the biggest palace rise up to the clouds,
Could the silent voice become quite loud?
Can a piece of dead steel move on its own,
Could a sinner like me approach God’s throne?
Will something lighter than a feather fill a barn,
Can a man face death and see no harm?
All these things are before our eyes,
And as we witness we aren’t surprised.
We take for granted what we see on earth,
But they all are miracles of great worth.
A tree can dance in silent music of the breeze,
A man can be set free by simply going to his knees.
The lowly worm becomes a butterfly,
The Word of God can make any fool wise.
The rain comes down and nourishes the vine,
Without the rain there is no wine.
God is in heaven, yet He knocks upon the heart,
To find Him inside, open it full, not just in part.
When a house burns down its smoke rises up,
God’s praises we can sing when we drink from His cup.
A compass will help us find our way home,
And Jesus takes my hand as I approach God’s throne.
A tiny little light can fill the biggest room,
Though death may come to a child of God, they have no fear of doom.
Miracles we find in the day to day,
Brought by the Hand of God, may we thank Him when we pray.
Some would want a miracle before they believe,
It’s right before our eyes, open them and you’ll receive,
The greatest miracle we shall find in Jesus Christ,
Who died for our sins and rose for our life.
This greatest miracle which my own eyes I do see,
The Creator of it all would do it all for me!


So they asked him,
“What sign then will you give
that we may see it and believe you?
What will you do?
John 6:30

A note about “Miracles”: Eating my lunch the other day outside the jail I noticed the wind blowing a tree in a most unusual manner. Instead of all the leaves blowing left and then right, some blew one way and at the same time some blew the other way. No doubt the wind was more than likely coming from behind my line of vision pushing some one way and some the other. But I was captivated probably much the same as Moses was as he witnessed the burning bush. I instantly thought this would make a great poem. But after twenty minutes it was time to go back into jail and I didn’t have the first line. However, when I awoke the next morning I started immediately writing and I was done within an hour. Lesson learned; miracles aren’t conjured up by will of man, they are a gift of God.

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