Jesus was a trouble maker, a rabble-rouser at the least,
Every time you’d turn around He’d stir up trouble at a feast.
God said not to work the Sabbath, there’s other days for that,
But every other Saturday, He’d wear a doctor’s hat.
He flipped the temple tables over, the money hit the floor,
He made a whip of scripture and rope and drove the critters out the door.
He made wine, bread and fish that was consumed without being taxed.
He said we must take up our cross, a great burden on our backs.
He had the great audacity to say we must love Him more than kin,
And what was most annoying was He pointed out others’ sin.
He claimed to be the Son of God, that must have took some nerve,
And then turned around and told the world, the greatest men must serve.
The good news He said was His message until end time prophecy,
Wars and famines, earthquakes and hatred don’t sound that good to me.
But the greatest trouble He causes me, that I can scarce comprehend,
When He told me, I must follow Him and turn from all my sin.
He wants me to be a troublemaker too and it will cost me all I own,
And by my love for those who hate me is how I will be known.
He said that I should be most glad when people hate me for Him,
Even if it comes down to the loss of family and friends.
He told I must pick up my cross and bear it with a smile,
He said if someone asks me for one I should go the extra mile.
But my daddy told me long ago to always consider the source,
And Jesus simply asks all men, He never, ever forced.
He really is the Son of God, my heart and mind confirm,
And all these troubles He hands out are how we all must learn.
I think a troublemaker is what I’d like to be,
Not pushed around by wind or tide within the human sea.
For I would welcome a world of trouble before I offend my Savior’s heart.
And if I’ve offended you with this, I’m off to a lovely start!


So from that day on they plotted to take his life.
John 11:53

A note about “Troublemaker”: I get the feeling that I’ve gotten that label by my adherence to scripture that some churches have chosen to ignore, or disregard certain passages because of the problems that could cause to rock the boat in let’s say the church or Laodicea or most modern day churches where the fellowship hall takes a higher priority than their outreach to lost souls does. If I’m making you squirm, then this mission was a success. This is why Jesus was executed and I wish no less for myself.

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