I am tired, I am weary, exhausted to the center of my core,
I am beaten, been downtrodden, as I’m lying on the cold and dirty floor.
But then I struggle to my knees,
And cry to God in heaven, “help me please.”
Then I reflect upon His Word,
And I know my little prayer’s been heard.
Then great strength from up above,
Descends on me from God in awesome Love.

On eagles wings we are fliers,
We shall run and never tire.
We will walk and not be faint,
Though our bodies say we can’t.
We will wait upon the Lord,
Till our strength is renewed and restored.

My soul is troubled, just like a bubble, its breaking point is getting ever near,
Great depression, I’m void of blessing, my life is overwhelmed with countless tears.
But then I look up to above,
With faith I see the greatest Love.
I remember what I heard,
The song of Love that’s Jesus’ Word.
His power from on high,
Gives us eagles wing on which we fly.

He picks me up and brings me higher,
From the pit from the mire.
He gives me strength, a soulful burst,
Like the eagle flies o’re the earth.
We will wait upon the Lord,
Till our strength is renewed and restored.


But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint.
Isaiah 40:31

I can do all this through him who gives me strength.
Philippians 4:13

A note about “Wings Like Eagles”: Isaiah 40:31, what a beautiful word from the Lord. Everybody at some time in their life can identify and draw strength and encouragement from this. I am one of those people and I suspect there are many who don’t look up until they are at the bottom of the barrel. Matthew 5:3 says blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven. Can you find pity in your heart for someone who is rich and has everything money can buy? According to God’s Word we should, because they may never know the joy of the Lord. (Nehemiah 8:10)

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