Oh, great Provider who supplies all our needs,
By His open hand is how He us does feed.
Food for our bodies, food for our soul,
A morsel of either worth more than gold.
He gives us all things in spite of our sin,
Would you give to your enemies as you would a friend?
We think by our labor, we purchase our bread,
But the fact of the matter we are surely misled.
For He gives the sunshine and He gives the rain,
And not to see Him in this is a sin and a shame.
All food was once living, whether creature or plant,
Life won’t continue without death, it will not, it can’t.
A symbol of Jesus since the beginning of time,
His body was broken for your soul and mine.
Oh, great Provider we see your open hand,
And we see a pierced hole that was made for this man.
I receive Your Great Gift of unspeakable worth,
Greater than the sum of this God-given earth.
And I thank You for all Your grace and Your Love,
Sent down to this planet from heaven above.
You fill up my belly, overflow my own soul,
By the Hand of my Maker the hand with a hole.
There’s a hunger within me in my gut and my heart,
You fill up them both, yes, completely not just part.
I give thanks for each mouthful and each thought of Christ,
For He’s my Sustainer, Salvation, my life.


The eyes of all look to you,
and you give them their food at the proper time.
You open your hand and satisfy the desires of every living thing.
Psalm 145:15-16

A note about “Food for Thought”: I’ve always wondered why there isn’t a single “thank You,” in the Lord’s Prayer. My prayer ninety percent of the time starts there. Perhaps God is more pleased if we simply acknowledge where our food comes from rather than a ritualistic, parrot-like “thank you” we say before we eat.

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