The will of God is done above,
Down here it is expressed in Love.
Found in the tears, and Blood of His Son,
Falling to the earth they surely run.
It was God’s will to bruise Him though,
And such horrendous grief He’d know.
Is this Love? You bet my friend!
It took this Love to void my sin!
Can mortal men expect much less,
By our pain and trouble, we’re also blessed.
Though this God’s will seems could not be,
His will is perfect, just like He.
He knows what’s best in every way,
Though we may think it’s another bad day.
As we align our will with His,
Great blessing He will surely give.
Will to love both Him and others,
Our sins He forgives, His Love it covers.
As we’re in Him and He in us,
His will we soon we’ll learn to trust,
On mountain tops or valley low,
His will is perfect; we’ll one day know.
As we entwine His will with our own,
Within our lives He will be known.
Will of God be done on earth,
The utmost will of highest worth.


Teach me to do your will, for you are my God.
Psalm 143:10

“My Father, if it is possible,
may this cup be taken from me.
Yet not as I will, but as you will.”
Matthew 26:39

A note about “Where There’s a Will”: The will of God is described very well within His Word. However sometimes there may be some gray areas that we may need to pray on. Even though our will doesn’t always align with His (even Jesus, God incarnate, His physical body had a different agenda than His Father. Matthew 26:39) it needs to be our goal to have His will direct our every decision, word and actions.

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