Great splendor of the highest order is found within God’s Name,
Though sun may dim, and earth may pass, It’s glory will remain.
Jehovah God, Creator of all there is or yet to be,
Has revealed the meaning of His Name to a lowly mortal me.
His Name stands for eternity, no beginning and no end,
His Name stands for Holiness, in Him no hint of sin.
His Name stands for the greatest Love, He gives it all to us,
His Name it is the only one we can completely trust.
His Name can give us all new life, it conquers death and grave,
His Name does give us freedom from sin, which us it does enslave.
His Name can heal the broken body, the mind and shattered heart,
His Name can take the saddest ending and make a brand new start
His Name is music on my lips, a song within my soul,
His Name is worth more than the sum of all the world’s fine gold.
His Name revered by angels and all men who are wise,
His Name is feared by Satan, the father of all lies.
His Name is spoken thoughtlessly by those who know Him not,
His Name is spoken in vain these days, not seldom, but a lot.
And if you are a Christian you share His Great Name too,
Do you now exalt it, or do you shame it by what you do?
Everyone who has a name, it represents their life.
And all who claim the Christian name, represent the Christ.
Do others see the Name of Jesus as good when they see you?
Or do you drag Him through the mud by the things you do?
Treat His Name as Holy with your tongue and with your deeds,
And when you drop His Name around, it’s just like sowing seeds.
Seeds of Love, peace and joy within a fertile heart,
That will grow for eternity, but with His Holy Name it starts.


LORD, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!
Psalm 8:9

A note about “Holy is His Name”: How God’s Name has been defiled in these latter days. When I was a child it was quite rare to hear the term OMG in a flagrant way. However now I hear children using it frequently without their parents correcting them whatsoever. My youngest daughter asked me when she was very little if God was a bad word. How utterly shameful! My shame, not hers, for not teaching her about God. But this just shows what Satan’s intent is by encouraging humans to take God’s Name in vain. One more thing, if you are a Christian you wear the Name of Christ like a badge and you can bring shame on His Name without ever opening your mouth. Actions speak louder than words!

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