Welcome little one, tiny girl,
To this great big awesome beautiful world.
Your journey starts embraced with love,
And to love bearers you look above.
The way of fools remains below,
But you look upward, rise up and go
Toward the calling of God’s grace,
That’s found in hearts, that beat in faith.

Shine on little one, shine just like the stars,
The world, it lies before you, we know you can go far.
For wisdom strive, for truth do reach,
Make pure your actions, thoughts and speech.
And put your faith in God above,
And just like Him, live your life in love.

Years go by and you will grow,
They race on past with both joy and woe.
Though storms may rage and cause you fear,
Their purpose is to bring us near
To God, our shelter from the storm;
Though world is cold, our hearts He warms.
All joy and peace we find in Him,
You’ll never find a better friend.

Shine on little one, shine just like the stars,
The world, it lies before you, we know you can go far.
For wisdom strive, for truth do reach,
Make pure your actions, thoughts and speech.
And put your faith in God above,
And just like Him, live your life in love.

When twilight years come test your soul,
Hold to these words like precious gold.
As day gives way to dark of night,
Let faith remain to be your sight.
Remember then your days of youth
When you held on to love and truth.
And all the love you gave, sweet child,
Returns to you in a million smiles.

Shine on little one, shine just like the stars,
The world it lies before you, we know you can go far.
For wisdom strive, for truth do reach,
Make pure your actions, thoughts and speech.
And put your faith in God above,
And just like Him, live your life in love.


Children’s children are a crown to the aged,
and parents are the pride of their children.

Proverbs 17:6

I prayed for this child,
and the LORD has granted me what I asked of him.

1 Samuel 1:27

A note about Song of Blessing (for Olivia): November 16, 2016, what a happy day! Our first granddaughter given to our youngest daughter, Elizabeth. Not that it wasn’t a happy day when my three grandsons were born, but as my relationship with Christ becomes stronger so does your bond with others become stronger. Matthew 10:37 says anyone who loves family more than Me (Jesus) is not worthy of Me. I can testify that putting Jesus first gives a stronger love and deeper commitment to your family members than visa-versa. To love anyone more than Him is idol worship. My prayer is that this will keep her (Olivia) looking up all her days down here and that at the very least, may it cause every reader to look above if only for a moment. Sometimes that’s all it takes to change a life.

If you would like to use this poem for a boy change the first two lines to:
Welcome little boy at your birth,
to this great big awesome beautiful earth.

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