Jesus said don’t give what’s Holy to a lowly dog,
Don’t give precious pearls to any kind of hog.
For they do not appreciate the finer things of life,
They have no love of God or His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.
They will bring these awesome gems down to the mud where they reside,
And with their tusks and evil fangs remove you from your hide.
Were His words instructions or prophecy instead?
For He cast His pearls before the world by what He did and what He said.
Both dog and hog trampled them into the mire and mud,
They tore His back to pieces; with whip they drew His Blood.
Tell me why, Sweet Jesus, your advice you did not take,
We know that you are perfect, mistakes you do not make.
But like a Loving Father who Loves His children so,
You would not want Your children Your pain in full to know.
Yes, He did suffer greatly at the likes of dogs and swine,
But pearls He gave to me, I try to make them shine.
So how do we determine who we should give them too?
Who’s a hog, who’s a dog and who has heart that’s true?
Some folks are pure evil, but even they can change,
Look at me and other sinners, you’ll see this is not strange.
So, we must take our chances within this hostile world,
We may end up like Stephen who rocks these pigs did hurl.
But flesh is only temporary and that I’d give to Christ,
To give to just one vicious pig a chance for eternal life.


Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs.
If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces.
Matthew 7:6

A note about “Jewels and Fools”: Jesus said not to cast our pearls before swine or the result could be bad at best or even fatal. However, this is exactly what He did with the same results He predicted. Was this a prophecy about Himself? Is it along the same lines as where He told the two blind men (Matthew 9:27-31) sternly not to tell anyone what He did but they told everyone?

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