Hope and choice are all we have, that we can claim to own;
The rest of all we think is ours, it really is on loan.
Hold no hope in daily bread, for your shelf could be bare tomorrow,
The joy and good health within your bones could turn to pain and sorrow.
Do not hope in money’s charm, you cannot take it with you;
You cannot buy a single minute when the time God gave us is through.
Hope not in mere mortal men, they’re castles made of sand,
And when the waves of life crash in, no longer will they stand.
Hold no hope within yourself, for our life is but a breath;
This time that remains in mortal frame is simply but a test.
A test of how we treat God this time while we have choice,
A time when we must listen close to the whisper of His Voice.
But whisper will change to thunder when we kneel before His throne,
And all our shame and every sin, He reveals and makes it known.
So, we must hope in Jesus, He removes our every sin;
A better hope shall not be found in family or friend.
Yes, He holds all the power for now, and forever more.
He is eternity’s Portal, heavens only Door.
Hope in Him is like a rock, a refuge from all storms;
We have no fear of ticking clock, His promise He has sworn.
A promise to always Love us, He showed us at the cross,
A Love so high and mighty we cannot fathom the cost.
He gave His Blood for every soul that they may hope in Him;
And to hope not in His precious Blood, there is no greater sin.
So, put your hope in what is true and not in what’s deceiving;
For hope in Christ will pull us through when in Him we’re believing.
This hope we own cannot be moved, broken, defiled or taken;
But if we hope in created things, we surely are mistaken.
Does He now hope that all He suffered for you was not in vain?
Or will you give Him all your heart or give to Him more pain?
Hope is found in Jesus, yes, Him and Him alone.
Of all the things in this whole world, may true hope be what you own.


And hope does not put us to shame,
because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts
through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.
Romans 5:5

A note about “Hope”: Written for my oldest daughter shortly after she was diagnosed with breast cancer. What’s the difference between hope and faith? You may buy a lotto ticket for the big bucks. You don’t have faith you’ll win because the astronomical odds are against winning but if you didn’t hope to win, you wouldn’t have bothered buying. When we combine faith and hope and place them both upon God it is a wonderful thing. The stronger our bond is with God the more substantial our hope, until it becomes “reality yet to be.”

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