Adam and Eve were given life, the length of it forever,
But when they chose to disobey, eternity was severed.
God has set eternity into the hearts of men,
But we all have gone astray from it, we chose instead to sin.
God made men to be like Him, to share His wealth and Love,
He has a plan for every man to live with Him above.
God is perfect in all His ways; He’s never made a mistake,
But by free will, a human’s choice, eternity does break.
Without free choice we’d have no voice and puppets we would be,
And love would not exist at all, I’m sure you do agree.
Yes, we were conceived for eternity; yes, this we can’t deny.
But one Man unlike all of us, He was born to die.
He came to be a substitute and take death in our place,
He was the very human form of God’s great Love and grace.
A little baby born of woman in an animal’s house no less,
And by His humble beginning and end we’ve every one been blessed.
Born to die, what a concept, of all the men on earth,
That this One would be marked for death long before His birth.
But His Name is Salvation and restores to us our right;
That in our sin we’ve broken instead of day we’ve chosen night.
His death has given all of us the glory of forever,
And though we strike our tents one day, the grave won’t hold us; never!
For death could never hold Him either, for He’s stronger than the grave,
Born to die and lived for us, for our souls to save.
Jesus is His Holy Name, the King of all that be,
Born to die for all of us, to die for you and me.
Did God foresee when He gave us free will; He’d have to sacrifice His Son,
This Baby Boy who gave Him joy, His precious only One?
Yes indeed, He knew the need before He formed the earth.
And gave His Son in greatest Love before His or our own birth.
Born to die I oft ask why though in my heart I know,
It’s all because of God’s great Love, eternal in its flow.


For you know that it was not with perishable things
such as silver or gold that you were redeemed
from the empty way of life handed down to you from your ancestors,
but with the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect.
He was chosen before the creation of the world,
but was revealed in these last times for your sake.
1 Peter 1:18-20

A note about “Born to Die”: We are all born for eternal fellowship with God. Adam would have lived forever if he had not eaten the forbidden fruit. Read John 3:16, 2 Peter 3:9 “For God so Loved the World,” Salvation is for everybody. Jesus Christ was the only person ever who was born to die.

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