The love of God’s eternal, no beginning and no end,
But our love has a kernel, from Him it must begin.
For love of self is not true love, it’s more akin to greed,
A monster that consumes our souls, there’s never enough to feed.
The kernel of love is gratitude which love will not forego,
And he who has a thankless heart, real love will never know.
The tree of love reaches skyward to return to whence it came,
It’s roots of gratitude and thanks fed by God’s Loving rain.
It falls on men both bad and good, God’s ample with His grace;
And if we are to acknowledge its worth, we must receive in faith.
By admission of a Source true gratitude begins;
And when we see the good He gives our blessings never end.
Try to count them if you may, they outshine the stars in sky,
I myself have given up, I may only wonder why.
That He has been so good to me, though ungrateful for so long,
For not to thank the Hand that gives life is surely more than wrong.
But I am past ungratefulness for He has opened my eyes,
And when He did I looked around to a sweet and joyful surprise.
I’m alive and breathing and that is just a start,
I have the Love of God Almighty shining from my heart.
I have a home in heaven, my name’s upon the deed,
Bought by the Blood of Jesus, can you believe for me He’d bleed?
So, faith in God and all He’s done has made me, oh so grateful;
For when it comes to blessing me, God is, oh so faithful.
Gratitude blooms to love, joy and greatest peace,
The more we look at what God does, the more it will increase.
So, take a good hard look around to see what God has done,
Especially to the suffering of His One and only Son.
For He has Loved us deeply, you can take that to the bank,
And the proportion of your faith is hand in hand with thanks.


Thanks be unto God for his unspeakable gift.
2 Corinthians 9:15

A note about “Consider the Source”: Based on the idea that whatever good thing that comes from us originates from God and that gratitude is the beginning of it all. Whether it is love, charity, forgiveness, joy and/or peace. It all comes from God and gratitude is the seed.

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