Prepare yourself to meet your Maker,
You know He’ll also be your Taker.
Our bodies soon will be no more,
But our souls pass through eternity’s door.
The choices we make, the roads we take,
What we love, what we hate.
How we care, do we share?
Are our dealings just and fair?
Do we give to God what’s His?
Is God pleased with how we live?
But most of all in this brief life,
Are we found in Jesus Christ?
He takes our sin and makes us clean,
In God’s eyes no longer seen.
He suffered terribly upon bloody cross,
To save our souls, this was the cost.
So, we should look to do no less,
Than give ourselves, His Name to bless.
What soul can stand before His throne,
When all their sins to Him are known.
What fool would let their sin remain,
When Blood of Christ removes each stain.
But if you have been cleansed of sin,
Will your life be a gift to Him?
The wise men brought their gifts to Christ,
Does empty-handed describe your life?
Will sin continue to rule your days,
Though washed in Blood you’ve same old ways?
Prepare yourself the Son to meet,
As He sits upon the judgment seat.
Will you have joy or awful shame?
Do you now please Him or give Him pain?
The present decides eternity’s worth,
Just how we live upon this earth.
Be prepared for no one knows when,
This journey below will come to an end.
If you’re ready it will be so sweet,
When Jesus face to face we meet.
But if love for God you now neglect,
You can expect no less than greatest regret.


You also must be ready,
because the Son of Man will come
at an hour when you do not expect him.
Luke 12:40

The Good Lord pardon every one
that prepareth his heart to seek God.
2 Chronicles 30:18-19 KJV

A note about “Be Prepared”: I tell the men I minister to in jail, that my job is to prepare them for eternity. To unbelievers I give the message of Salvation; to get them off the road to hell and get them on the road to heaven. To believers I give the information that what we do now on this earth will have a direct impact on our eternal life in heaven. Not that we should be motivated by what we will get out of it, but more along the lines that we should have a love gift for God when we stand before Him one day. How embarrassing to go to a housewarming party and find out everyone brought gifts but you. Would anyone want to enter heaven this way?

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