Abraham carried the Seed within that would truly bless all nations,
When God did bless him with such news, imagine his elation.
Excitement is an understatement as he heard the angel’s word,
Cause when an angel tells you something its truth may be assured.
This promise was then reconfirmed with Jacob, his grandson;
This time spoken by God Himself in a dream was how it was done.
Their offspring would be a blessing to every nation on this earth,
And this prophecy came to pass when Mary, she gave birth.
A Savior for God’s chosen people, for every Gentile too;
The promise God made to them had at long last became true.
Jesus is the Word and the Word can give men life,
Every nation, every tribe, can find sweet life in Jesus Christ.
And if you have received the Word, you also carry the Seed
That blesses every nation that meets every human need.
You may bless great multitudes, or you may bless a few;
But to turn one soul from hell to heaven is there better you can do?
Sow the Seed, give the Word, to everyone you know,
And it will ripple cross time and space to highest place and low.
We all should be excited as Mary was that night in Bethlehem,
To see the birth of Jesus in the hearts of sinful men.
We can have a part as sure as Mary, Abe and Jake,
Of blessing our own world when true Christians we help God make.
Only God can save men, only God can make them new,
But He has given us great privilege to do what we can do.
We can plant a garden, but it’s God that makes it grow,
But He gives us greatest joy to work with Him, you know.
If the Spirit of Christ is in you then Him you must now share,
Would you withhold great wealth and riches from those you really care?
You have the Word, the Holy Seed, that when planted will give life;
And with it you may bless the World with God’s Son our Jesus Christ.


She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus,
because he will save his people from their sins.
Matthew 1:21

And through your offspring all nations on earth will be blessed,
because you have obeyed me.
Genesis 22:18

A note about “Bless the Nations”: After Reading Genesis 22:18 about Abraham’s seed will bless all the nations, the thought occurred to me that we also carry the same seed, which is Jesus. His Spirit lives within the believer and His Word is in our hearts and minds. Remember John 1:1. Can we bless all nations? Even if we only bless one, what a blessing that is. When that person plants the Seed somewhere else and on and on there’s no telling, this side of heaven, where the blessing ends. Do not underestimate the capacity (which means your choosing to do) of your own importance in building God’s Kingdom.

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