Close your eyes, imagine this,
Eternity in perfect bliss.
It’s free for all, those who come,
To claim the Name of God’s own Son.
Happy, fat and satisfied,
A life this world cannot provide.
For we were made for God’s own pleasure,
And He’s the Treasure, we cannot measure.
Can you imagine such a fate?
Sublime Love, no trace of hate.
Come all who thirst, to the Water of Life,
Come to your senses, come to Christ.
Close your eyes, see in faith,
The invisible God, full of grace.
He can give us peace on earth,
When we receive our second birth.
Though the world is a raging storm,
He keeps our heart safe and warm.
He holds us in His perfect peace,
And day by day our joy will increase.
Heaven may seem, so far away,
But with God in charge, we can have it today.
Who would suffer the burden of sin?
When Jesus is knocking, let Him in.
Close your eyes, imagine that,
A place of darkness and blackest black.
Completely absent of God’s Love,
Satan reigns as evil does.
Who’d even want to visit here,
This awful place of perpetual fear.
The price has been paid to keep you out,
All you need is faith, not doubt.
Don’t shut your mind to this place so real,
Because it’s flames you don’t now feel.
Reach to Jesus, the Savior of souls,
Who belongs to Him, hell can’t hold.
Close your eyes to see the unseen,
You’re wide awake, it’s not a dream.


So, we fix our eyes not on what is seen,
but on what is unseen,
since what is seen is temporary,
but what is unseen is eternal.

II Corinthians 4:18

All I have seen teaches me to trust the Creator for all I have not seen.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

A note about, “Close your Eyes”: I went to work one morning on a beautiful waterfront jobsite. The weather was perfect and even the homeowners were not around. So many people out of work due to the corona virus, I felt way over-blessed in every way. To put it literally the joy of the Lord was overflowing, and I needed a release valve before it blew me up! I thought writing to be my best option but didn’t know on what. I have a friend who sends a Bible verse by text message every morning and I hadn’t looked at it yet, so when I did, I knew that was it.

II Corinthians 4:18. Thanks Joe Holt for your faithful service.

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