C.B. loved her church, it was a different world,
Where people loved each other and loved this little girl.
A shelter from the storms that blow through every life,
A Sabbath rest from worldly cares that wear down our souls with strife.
A meeting place for souls like-minded in their faith,
The common thread that bound their hearts, God’s Loving grace.
Crossroads, turning points, we pivot on our faith,
May we steer our souls unwaveringly on God’s road of grace.
Though the valley’s wide and deep, the mountain a hard climb,
When we choose Jesus’ road, the hard times we don’t mind.
And God’s Love we will find, now it is our time.
For our lives to shine, at the crossroads.

C.B. loved her daddy, at times they shared the closest bond,
Just the two of them while others slept, before the break of dawn.
But all that changed one awful day when she had to choose,
“It’s me or the church,” her daddy said, one she had to lose.
Jesus said there’d be times like these, her Bible told her so,
But the pain of such a decision caused the tears within to flow.
Crossroads, turning points, we pivot on our faith,
May we steer our souls unwaveringly on God’s road of grace.
Though the valley’s wide and deep, the mountain a hard climb,
When we choose Jesus’ road, the hard times we don’t mind.
And God’s Love we will find, now it is our time.
For our lives to shine, at the crossroads.

A little girl’s heart, shattered and broken,
By one she loved, whose jealously was spoken.
Could only be healed by the Master’s touch,
What could she do, she loved them both, oh so very much?

C.B. loved her Jesus, her love for Him it was so strong,
For loving God above all else is always right and never wrong.
Her daddy lost a precious child, but she had gained great faith,
And all who forsake this old world, God has a special place.
Now C.B chose the better and it will not be taken away,
And like she did for her dad; we should all forgive and pray.
Crossroads, turning points, we pivot on our faith,
May we steer our souls unwaveringly on God’s road of grace.
Though the valley’s wide and deep, the mountain a hard climb,
When we choose Jesus’ road, true love don’t ever mind.
And God’s Love we will find, now it is our time.
For our lives to shine, you’re at your crossroads.


But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness,
and all these things will be given to you as well.

Matthew 6:33

And everyone who has left houses
or brothers or sisters or father or mother
or wife or children or fields
for my sake will receive a hundred times as much
and will inherit eternal life.

Matthew 19:29

A note about “Crossroads”: I read a story about an 11-year-old girl whose parents were divorced. She spent every other weekend with her dad. She enjoyed going to the church close to her father’s house, however he didn’t go and felt like this was imposing on their time together. He gave her the choice of going to church or visiting him every other weekend. She chose church and he literally cut her out of his life. She wasn’t allowed back at his house, and he wouldn’t even send her birthday cards. When I read this, I had my 3-year-old granddaughter over for a visit and I had a feeling for the tenderness of a little girl’s heart. Thus, the story struck a tender place in my old hard heart. Similar to a reverse of the Abraham, Isaac story. By Abraham’s obedience, God promised to bless all nations. By Claudean Boatman’s obedience God may not bless all nations, but He blessed her, He blessed me, He blessed many people who read the story, hopefully many more who read the poem and who’s to say maybe He will bless all nations. It takes thousands of grains of sand to make a shovel full, it takes 16 shovels full to make a bag of mortar, it takes many bags of mortar to build a house. Is any grain less important than another? Every word, thought, act and deed done in love is another grain contributed to building God’s Kingdom. I Corinthians 3:9

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