Our Holy Father in Heaven above,
The same Father who gives all His Love.
Holy is thy Name,
And great is my shame.

Your Kingdom come, Your will be done,
On this blue ball warmed by Your sun,
Just like in heaven where there’s no leaven
Where Your will’s always done.

Give us this day our daily bread,
For Your hand is how we’re all fed
Thank You for all the things You do,
We praise You, we love You, You’re always true.

Forgive our debts, that we cannot pay,
As we forgive all others who hurt us today.
Forgiveness You give,
Forgiveness I shall live.

Lead us not to temptation of men,
Deliver us from the devil, the leader of sin.
When our name he does call,
May Your Word be our all and all.

For Your’s is the Kingdom, the Power, the Glory,
Your Love’s my song, my life and my story.
Thank You just cause You are You,
We praise You, we love You, You’re always true.

Our Holy Father in Heaven above,
The same Father whose Son shed His Blood.
Holy is thy name,
Your Son’s Blood my only claim.


Don’t recite the same prayer over and over
as the heathen do who think prayers
are answered only by repeating them again and again…
pray long these lines…

Matthews 6:7-9 TLB

A note about “Demo Model”: I heard a man talking on TV one time who said his plane was plummeting to the ground and he felt sure he was going to die and the only thing he knew to do was to say the Lord’s Prayer. It bothers me to hear a group of people recite it because it seems to lose its intent as an “outline” for how we should pray, and it becomes a meaningless chant spoken with lips and void of content from the heart. Before Jesus gave us this example of how we should pray He said in Matthew 6:7 that we should not use vain repetitions when we pray. He knew in advance how His words would be misused. You may think I’m being petty, but this is similar to one who would worship a cross rather than the Savior. Jesus said, “God is Spirit, and His worshipers must worship in spirit and truth. “John 4:24 It is certainly not wrong to recite any word of God, but it must come from the heart.

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