Each day is a diamond, a gift from above,
Do we lose it to self, or use it for love?
In our giving we gain, what we hoard won’t remain.
From the break of day, to the set of the sun,
The choices we make give us wealth or leave none.
Like the biggest of fools, I traded diamonds for stones,
The days of my life I thought I did own.
But I found way too late that they were simply on loan,
I wish I knew long ago what today it is known.
Jesus once said what we give we will keep,
When love is what’s sown, then love we will reap.
What we plant in the earth is of temporal worth,
But the diamond that shines with eternity’s light,
Is the one that we find that we didn’t hold tight.
Like the biggest of fools, I traded diamonds for stones,
The days of my life I thought I did own.
But I found way too late that they were simply on loan,
I wish I knew long ago what today it is known.
Diamonds for stones, diamonds for stones,
The life lived for self will one day be bones.
Jesus hung naked upon the cruel cross,
But He gained such a family from that temporal loss.
What do you keep, what do you give?
How do you measure the life that you live?
Do you give it to others, your sisters and brothers?
Do you pool your diamonds in fleeting pleasure?
Or in heavens safe Vault, an eternal treasure?
Like the biggest of fools, I traded diamonds for stones,
The days of my life I thought I did own.
But I found way too late that they were simply on loan,
I wish I knew long ago what today it is known.


Throw away your gold; dump your finest gold in the dry stream bed.
Let Almighty God be your gold, and let him be silver, piled high for you.

Job 22:24-25

A note about “Diamonds to Stones”: When reading a book by Richard Paul Evans titled, “The Christmas Box” I came across a phrase where the author said that he had traded, “diamonds for stones.” That struck me close to home because I was guilty of this myself. We don’t see ourselves doing this at the time, but time revealed it in my case. I gave this book and a copy of the poem to all my children praying they will not make the same mistake I did.

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