I was rolling down the interstate doing sixty-five,
My big two-wheeler’s steady beat, it’s good to be alive.
The sun was shining in the sky without a cloud in sight,
That motor was a-purring, feeling mighty tight.
A better day I couldn’t imagine, even if I’d asked.
The weather it was perfect, the road as smooth as glass.
But soon I heard a noise, a pinging then a knock,
I tried to pretend it wasn’t there, but this knocking wouldn’t stop.
I finally pulled her over fearing for the worst,
I’ve been down this road before, this breakdown won’t be the first.
This noise it didn’t sound too good, I’ve heard it times before,
It sounded like a lack of oil on that I was quite sure.
The oil gauge showed the pressure good, the red light didn’t shine,
What could be the problem, the signs said all was fine?
But when I pulled the dipstick, it was dryer than a bone,
And the problem that had puzzled me now was fully known.
A boat must have some water if it’s going to float,
A politician gets no job if he doesn’t get a vote.
A plane it will not fly without the power of the air,
And an internal combustion engine is fried without oil there.
A gauge may be defective, and lights too often blow,
So best you pull that dipstick if your oil level you would know.
Now how about your soul, does it have just what it needs,
Have you checked it lately brother, do you care for it and feed?
Is your mind and heart your gauge, they’ll fool you every time?
Too often we love idols, and we all know love is blind.
Do not be mistaken for your heart it can deceive,
Careful what you think is right, beware what you believe.
A dipstick in an engine block, you know it tells what’s true,
And God’s word reveals our soul’s condition, He tells us what to do.
Are we filled with His Spirit or with trivial earthly cares?
His Word reveals what is inside, our very soul lies bare.
A measuring rod of the highest order this sacred Holy Book,
Before you hit the road, be sure you take a look.
It’ll keep your spirit running smooth just like the Builder planned,
If you refuse to use it, your spirit could be damned.
So, check your level every day, you know not when God may call,
And you may rest assured without Him your spirit stalls.
You would not crank your motor when you know your oil is low,
And without God’s Salvation, where do you think you’ll go?
Water is a liquid, but it will not take oil’s place,
And good deeds done by men won’t save us like God’s grace.
Jesus is our everything; He fills our every need,
Check, make sure He fills your life by His Word, please daily read.


The foolish ones took their lamps but did not take any oil with them.
The wise ones, however, took oil in jars along with their lamps.

Matthew 25:3-4

A note about “Dipstick”: This did not happen to my motorcycle, but to both my truck and my wife’s car the same week. The truck was not damaged and the extent of damage to my wife’s car has yet to be revealed as of this writing. Although I was pretty upset (being the car is not paid for) and also because of my own stupidity, I received another poem from the Holy Spirit and if it has a part in the salvation of one soul it will be well worth one car. Hope I remember this when the payment comes due next month.

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