Can God’s great Hands be moved by men,
When our heads bow, when our knees bend?
Can we change His plans at all?
When to His Name we do call.
This idea beyond mere mortal thought,
Conflicts with learning we’ve been taught.
We know that God is in control,
He holds the key to our very soul.
His Sovereign will, should I dare say,
That mortal man just may have sway.
God is God and I’m just a flea,
Why would He change His plans for me?
Who is man to tell God when,
As all his wisdom on God depends.
When questions arise within our mind,
In God’s Word the answers we will find.
His written Word, the Solid Rock,
Unmoved by man or ticking clock.
Abe prayed for his nephew Lot,
That God show mercy and burn them not.
God told Moses, “I’m going to kill those Jews,”
But Mose he pleaded, “We’ve too much to lose.”
Isaiah told Hez, “Get your affairs in order,
For God had decreed your days are getting shorter.”
Hez told God with tears in his eye,
“Please oh God don’t let me die.”
God said fifteen more years He would give,
On planet earth Hez could live.
Jesus told Mary, “Mom it’s not my time,”
But by her faith He turned water to wine.
Sometimes the best things in this life we make with God together,
And though it seems quite crazy, sometimes it seems His pleasure.
Children, music, buildings, yes, the ones that exalt His Name,
With brick and stone, tall steeples and colored glass that’s stained.
He gives us all a hand in these, a privilege so fine,
And though I’m so underserving He changed my water into wine.
He gave me extra years on earth when He took my urge to smoke,
He saved me from a fiery end by Loving Words He spoke.
He said He Loves the world so much He gave His only Son,
That who would put their faith in Him, their fight with death is won.
And they should never perish though His law declares they should,
So, the fact remains God never changes He’s Loving and always good.
But prayer just may change a heavenly decree,
And me and Mose, Mary and Hez all of us agree.


Then God saw their works, that they turned from their evil way;
and God relented from the disaster that He had said He would
bring upon them, and He did not do it.

Jonah 3:10

A note about “Divine Decrees”: After a Sunday lesson on submitting to God’s timing, my following Monday morning prayer time began with an unusual twist. Most times prayer is us speaking to God, but often times (for myself) He speaks to me. Right away I thought of Jesus’ words, “My time has not yet come.” We all know Jesus never did, does not, never will, tell a lie. Mary didn’t even ask Jesus to do anything, she only made Him aware of a need. Compared to blind, deaf and dumb people, cripples and lepers, quite a trivial need. When He seemed to sidestep her implication, she still did not ask Him to do anything, but made a verbal display of her faith. Though it was not His time before her display of faith, her words of faith changed that timing in a minute. Seems like a hint is as good as a written (or spoken) request, but without faith we might not see many results. Matthew 13:58. I doubt God would change His will, but perhaps our perception of what appears to be His changing His decree is simply a test of our faith. Matthew 15:22-28

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