That Chumley was a trashy clown,
You knew just when he had been around.
Cigarette butts and bottle caps,
Revealed exactly where he’d been at.
Like a boat that leaves a wake,
On a pond or smaller lake.
Its waves will reach shore to shore,
The same our trail makes door to door.
Sherman’s march unto the sea,
Was destructive as it could be.
Behind him he left smoke and ash,
A burning landscape became his path.
Like a boat that leaves a wake,
On a pond or smaller lake.
Its waves will reach shore to shore,
The same our trail makes door to door.
Billy G. was a preacher man,
He spoke of Christ in every land.
When he’d pass through a city or town,
Great joy in Christ the people found.
like a boat that leaves a wake,
On a pond or smaller lake.
Its waves will reach shore to shore,
The same our trail makes door to door.
Your mother was the door, for you to enter in,
Your grave it is the other door where your earthly life will end.
Your actions and your words are just like waves upon a lake,
They ripple back behind you in a good or evil wake.
They keep on moving, rolling along, after you are gone,
The good or bad they do dole out is decided with each dawn.
Our life on earth is oh so brief, but our wake may never end,
For the love we share of Jesus can make eternal friends.
Or we can leave destruction on a path of evil and hate,
So take the path of Jesus Christ, hurry now don’t wait!


…for their deeds will follow them.
Revelation 14:13

A note about “Door to Door, Shore to Shore”: I was a little puzzled reading Psalm 23:6 “surely goodness and loving kindness will follow me all the days of my life.” Seems in my life that the bad stuff is behind me, and the good things of God are here now and are definitely in my future. After I thought about the preceding sentence, “My cup overflows,” I thought about the fact that an overflowing container should spill behind us as we walk, thus becoming a blessing to others. No matter if our lives are good or evil, we still leave a wake like a boat, affecting the lives of others either in a positive or negative way. Even total apathy is contagious and doing nothing encourages the same in others. Like it or not, our lives will impact others in a good or bad way according to how we live our lives.

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