Elisha had a bounty upon his old bald head,
The evil king wanted nothing more than poor Elisha dead.
Elisha was a prophet spy working for the Lord,
He held more power with his words than the sharpest sword.
The king sent out a posse to bring Elisha in,
A mighty force, chariots and horses are what the king did send.
Now Elisha had a servant who rose early in the day
He saw this mighty army that caused him fear and great dismay.
“Elisha we’re surrounded”, he said with panic and fright,
“What shall we do,” he knew the two of them could never win this fight.
“Have no fear,” Elisha spoke, “for our army is greater than these,”
And Elisha prayed that awesome day, “Lord open his eyes, Lord please.”
Heavenly protection, an angel army from way up higher,
The hills were full of horses and chariots of fire.
There was no force, or will ever be, greater than our Lord,
And we can hold His power, His Word our fiery sword.
Open up our eyes, Jehovah, that we may see your power,
Take our fear and anxious thoughts, enlighten us this hour.

So, when you see yourself surrounded with what would do you in,
The Commander of Heaven’s Armies can also be your friend.
But have you been a friend to Him and give Him friendship’s due,
Or do you simply look to Him when it’s only about you?
Come to Him as humble sinner, recall His Love for thee,
And pray, “Oh Lord open my eyes so Your power I may see!”
Heavenly protection, an angel army from way up higher,
The hills were full of horses and chariots of fire.
There was no force, or will ever be, greater than our Lord,
And we can hold His power, His Word our fiery sword.
Open up our eyes, Jehovah, that we may see your power,
Take our fear and anxious thoughts, enlighten us this hour.

Now, I see oh so clearly, even death can’t hold me down,
For God has brought His Son from cold and tear-soaked ground.
And He will do the same for me, though hell is what I’m due,
He saves by grace, all of faith and that just may include you.
A demon army surrounds us, intent to do us in,
But a cross of shame and torturous pain, bought our souls from them.
Heavenly protection, an angel army from way up higher,
The hills were full of horses and chariots of fire.
There was no force, or will ever be, greater than our Lord,
And we can hold His power, His Word our fiery sword.
Open up our eyes, Jehovah, that we may see your power,
Take our fear and anxious thoughts, enlighten us this hour.


“Don’t be afraid,” the prophet answered.
“Those who are with us are more than those who are with them.”

II Kings 6:16

A note about, “Eye Opener”: My prayer for all believers: that God would open their eyes to His Love and protection. Full faith in that is absolute peace, no worries! My prayer for all unbelievers: that God would open their eyes to His Love and salvation. Full faith in that is deliverance from hell and hope in heaven.

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