Long ago before I could swim, I jumped in the water with my friend Jim,
I know now what I didn’t know then, before I got too deep, I kept my eye on him.
The very things that I don’t know I’ll watch the one who does, so they can show,
That’s how we learn, how we grow, keep your eye upon the pro.
I tried to learn to ride a bike, from my older brother Mike,
I didn’t know how to keep it upright, but I figured it out by keeping him in my sight.
Wisdom sometimes I truly lack, but I keep my eye on the one with the facts.
To keep our lives on the right track, keep your eyes on the prize, never look back.
Fishing was fun, fishing was cool, but I just couldn’t get the fish out of the school,
I had the right bait and the tools, but watched the wrong ones, the non-fishing fools.
But now I need to learn of life, what I don’t know will cause me strife,
Too much at stake to throw the dice, so I’ll keep my eye upon the Christ.
Jesus, help me I just don’t know, but my eyes on you, even so,
Though life is hard and cold winds blow, where you go, I will go.
I’ll learn your way by Holy Book, every chance I’ll take a look,
I bring it forth from special nook and read each word, it’s got me hooked.
So, keep your eye upon God’s Son, and all your battles are already won,
And when this life is gone and done, unto our God we’ll surely run.
What we don’t know He surely does, He sees it all from above,
And I will trust Him just because; He has for me the greatest Love.


We do not know what to do,
but our eyes are on you.

II Chronicles 20:12

Fixing our eyes on Jesus,
the pioneer and perfecter of faith.

Hebrews 12:2

A note about “Eye On The Prize”: II Chronicles, chapter 20 is a fascinating story, filled with gems of every color and brilliance. But verse 12 seemed to jump off the page when I read it, I guess being so often not knowing what to do, its instructions are clear, concise and to the point. If you’ll notice the verse (in NIV translation) rhymes, so in celebration of that fact the title also rhymes as does each line within itself, Oh boy, what a joy!

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