A tiny branch pruned from a tree under strain,
This pruning did cause this tree a great pain.
Tiny branch was grafted into a tree of great love,
A gift to this tree from sweet Jesus above.
The wind of God’s Spirit it comes and it goes,
It’s direction a mystery, nobody knows.
But it blew this tiny child into our life,
By the power of God and Love of the Christ.
Spirit of Life please anoint this child’s life,
May this branch of great beauty bear fruit for the Christ.

This branch has been given names of its roots,
To draw strength from the Source it has to bear fruits.
Storms they will come, the weather will rage,
But it makes the branch stronger as it thickens with age.
A coating of ice may cause this branch to stress,
But it shines like a diamond, its purpose is to bless.
Blown by the wind it dances so free,
Held in great Love by the rest of the tree.
Spirit of Life please anoint this child’s life,
May this branch of great beauty bear fruit for the Christ.

Old Uncle John anointed since birth,
Anoint this branch Lord, this child of the earth.
Give her your hope and a soul of beauty,
Our prayer we raise in love and in duty.

A tree of great love depends on the Son’s light,
As it grows up toward heaven, it becomes a delight.
A blessing to others and a pleasure to God,
As its roots grow deeper into nourishing Sod.
The Sod of God’s Word which helps it to grow,
And the Spirit of God which like the wind blows.
This tiny, grafted branch now a part of the tree,
Love is its source and love’s what it will be.
Spirit of Life please anoint this child’s life,
May this branch of great beauty bear fruit for the Christ.


“I am the vine; you are the branches.
If you remain in me and I in you,
you will bear much fruit;
apart from me you can do nothing.”
John 15:5

Those who are led by God’s Spirit are God’s children.
Romans 8:14 GNT

A note about “Family Tree”: My oldest daughter has wanted to expand her family for some time now. When a co-worker became pregnant it was going to be a huge burden on this single parent of two already. Praise God abortion was not an option for her. This woman came to an agreement with my daughter that my daughter would adopt this child from birth. Luke 1:15 says that John the Baptist was filled with the Holy Spirit from his birth. This has been my prayer for this child for months before her birth. We all know John the Baptist was an exception, “paving the way for the Lord.” Isaiah 40:3-5. But this is my prayer for this child because He is coming again, and someone needs to wake up the masses from their sleep. Both the unbelievers and the world-minded believers.

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