God is great, God is good,
Let us thank Him for our food.
By His hands we all are fed,
Give us Lord our daily Bread.
But not today, today I pray,
From all food I stay away.
I declare for me, this day a fast,
Like men of faith in days gone past.
Jesus, Moses, to name a few,
They abstained from food and to God were true.
To deny the body, feeds the soul,
And that should be our highest goal.
Prayer shows a most earnest plea,
When we ignore our bodies need.
In greatest joy or deepest grief,
There is no food to give relief.
When we have hunger because of love,
We remember all food is a gift from above.
The disciples could not cure a lad,
From a demon that he had.
Jesus said we must fast and pray,
To chase that demon far away.
Is it so hard to miss a meal?
Are we a slave to what we feel?
Our petition to God is stronger yet,
When our appetites we do not whet,
A tighter bond we secure with Christ.
You’ll find nothing better in this life.
So, resist the urge to stuff your face,
And seek God’s mercy and His awesome Grace.


So He said to them,
“This kind can come out by nothing but prayer and fasting.”

Mark 9:29

A note about “Fast Results”: Jesus said to remove certain demons requires prayer and fasting. (Mark 9:29) It seems to add more earnestness to our prayers. Whenever we turn to God we turn away from the world, to gain that which is spiritual we must disdain the physical. We need to eat to live, but sometimes we need to give Him our full undivided attention. Does God take note of our fasting? The people of Nineveh in Jonah 3 went as far as making even their animals fast. God took note of their repentance and gave them mercy instead of wrath. Are you hungry for God?

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