I am just a little one, though God is bigger than all,
I am made to be like Him, though now I’m very small.
He Loves me like a mother, He Loves me like a dad,
And when I think about His Love it makes me oh so glad.
God Loves me, this I see,
In the animals and flowers and all He’s made for me.
He made me for to be His friend and His Love will never end,
And God and I forever we will be.

God’s so very quiet and I can’t see Him there,
But though I don’t taste or see it, I believe in air.
Everything He’s made tells just of who He is,
Beauty, music, love and laughter are things that He does give.
God Loves me, this I see,
In the animals and flowers and all He’s made for me.
He made me for to be His friend and His Love will never end,
And God and I forever we will be.

Jesus is God’s Holy Son, the Savior of the world,
He gave His perfect life for all, every boy and every girl.
Though sometimes we’re bad, He’s always good.
He’s promised us a home in heaven when we trust Him like we should.
God Loves me, this I see,
In the animals and flowers and all He’s made for me.
He made me for to be His friend and His Love will never end,
And God and I forever we will be.


Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me,
and do not hinder them,
for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”

Matthew 19:14

Psalms 136

A note about “God Loves Me”: After watching a friend from my church sing a song at church with her great-granddaughter, I so enjoyed it I wanted to write one to sing with my granddaughter who frequents my home. God granted my desire, so I took a copy when I had finished to give to this lady. She was not there, but another lady was whose daughter sang, “Jesus Loves Me,” that very morning. I gave it to her instead. Humans’ plans are iffy. God’s plans are written in stone. I pray He may inscribe these words on the hearts of many children.

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