Murder is the most terrible crime,
It’s fueled by hate most every time.
How sad to hold contempt of others,
Made in Gods image, our very brothers.
The tongue that calls them stupid fools,
That tongue is Satan’s evil tool.
To curse your brother, do you curse Christ?
The least of these, are they His life?
The tongue’s a messenger, we know, of course,
But the evil vents from a deeper source.
The carnal heart rejects pure Love,
In purest form that comes from above.
This heart it has great love for self,
But others’ welfare, that’s something else.
A heart so cold and hard as stone,
It knows not mercy and toward evil’s prone.
Your gift to God He does abhor,
When you owe another so much more.
A plea for forgiveness to those you’ve wronged,
A restoration to what them belongs.
Do it quickly and don’t hesitate,
For tomorrow could be much too late.
Before the Judge you will one day stand,
Beyond the point of changing plans.
So, give your heart to the Doctor’s touch,
Who imparts His Love, more than enough.
To drive out hate and foster grace,
This heart of stone, Love will replace.


They made their hearts as hard as flint
and would not listen to the law
or to the words that the LORD Almighty
had sent by his Spirit through the earlier prophets.
So the LORD Almighty was very angry.

Zechariah 7:12

Matthew 5:21-26

A note about “Heart of Stone”: A hard heart is a terrible thing. Terrible for the owner, terrible for those the owner comes in contact with and a pain to God’s Loving Heart. (Genesis 6:5-6) There’s usually not much we can do with it by human means, but God’s Word can (Jeremiah 23:29) and by our prayers God can (Ezekiel 11:19) No hard heart is beyond the power of God. Remember that when you pray and witness to the “Hard core.”

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